Providing DNS Service to the Proxmox Hypervisor


New Member
Jul 3, 2017
I created a Linux VM to be a DNS server. It seems that having the Proxmox hypervisor that hosts this VM use this VM for DNS services (meaning, of course, that the hypervisor's /etc/hosts is empty except for "pvelocalhost" and "loalhost") is problematic. Specifically, upon rebooting the hypervisor, the hypervisor is unable to start any of its VMs / containers.

So, there seems to be a chicken-and-egg problem: The hypervisor, apparently, has to be able to resolve a VM's / container's hostname to start it, but it can't resolve hostnames until it starts the VM that serves DNS.

Is it possible to have a VM serve DNS to it's hosting Proxmox hypervisor, or must DNS be served from a host that is physically separate from the hypervisor?
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In my experience it's best to have one physical DNS server and one VM DNS server. The same for DHCP and also Active Directory if you run it.
The file /etc/hosts does not need to be empty - please configure the IP address of the host there.

Note: I am unable to see how/why this is related to running a DNS server locally.
The file /etc/hosts does not need to be empty - please configure the IP address of the host there.

Note: I am unable to see how/why this is related to running a DNS server locally.

I think the only relationship here is that there are *two* points of maintenance: 1) the /etc/hosts file on the hypervisor and 2) the zone data files on the DNS server (on the VM). These files have to be kept scrupulously in sync.

I suppose, if I could arrange to have the hypervisor's OS call a script whenever the hypervisor's /etc/hosts is modified, I could write that script to send a DNS dynamic update to the DNS server (on the VM).

Is there any reason such an approach would not work?

Is there an easier or more "standard" approach to handling this type of situation?
As @dietmar said, hosting a DNS server VM and the Proxmox VE host unable to start the other VMs/Containers on the same host seems to be unrelated. o_O

I have a similar setup where one of my Proxmox has my local DNS server running and it has never had problems starting other VMs on it.

Shantanu Gadgil