proper versions for upgrading Reef to Squid


Nov 7, 2022
I'm going to be upgrading my ProxMox hosts from 8.2.4 up to 8.3.1 and my Ceph from Reef 18.2.2 to Squid. I'm following the directions here ( for ceph and I'm wondering if I can go from Reef 18.2.2 up to Squid directory? In the Introduction section of that document it says Reef(18.2+) to Squid but then in the "Assumption" section it says 18.2.4-pve3 or higher. Can I upgrade from 18.2.2 or do I need to be at 18.2.4?


It should be possible, but it was not really tested in our QA much, so there might be lurking some odd edge case causing trouble.

That said it's good to know that 18.2.4 is the direct successor of 18.2.2, as the 18.2.3 version was skipped due to a release mishap from the ceph upstream side.
And the release notes of 18.2.4 do not mention anything specific to the upgrade process in general or for squid specially, and normally changes fixing upgrade issues are mentioned quite explicitly as they are good to know.

Again, no guarantees, but as there are no major changes in underlying storage technology and the like between Reef and Squid I'd think it's likely that you won't face problems if your cluster is fully healthy.
But again, no guarantees, if this is about a business critical cluster you might want to play it safe, which either means testing the upgrade on some test instance (even if just a virtualized PVE cluster) or upgrade to 18.2.4 first.