Problem with VM boot OS Windows 2012

Leonardo Ramirez

Active Member
Jun 11, 2018
Hi, I converted a vmdk to raw, and copy the image to vm in proxmox, but It doesnt boot. My step a did were:

* copy vmdk to PVE machine
* Convert to raw: qemu-img convert -p vm-flat.vmdk –O raw vm-pve.raw
* Create a vm proxmox, in my case vm id is 101
* copy my raw to VM: dd if=vm-pve.raw | pv –s 150 G | dd of=/dev/rpool/data/vm-101-disk-0

After that I tried run vm and I had an error in boot. I tried with BIOS SeaBoot, and OVMF, but I could not.



Any idea how can I solve my issue?

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Where did you get the .vmdk file from? You could try to use qm importdisk (see man page).

If what you want to achieve is importing a whole virtual machine, you can also export it as .ovf and use qm importovf. In this case, please also consider the wiki guide.
Hi, I took it from my VM EXSI 5. And I used this command to copy:

scp root@ vm-flat.vmdk

After that, I converted.

I try to use qm importdisk, but I got an error.

And using importovf I couldnot because I don't know how to install "ovftool".
Is there an export function in ESXi 5?

IIRC there should be two files for one disk: Please try to copy the vm.vmdk and vm-flat.vmdk.

You can install a .bundle simply by running ./<name_of_the_file>.bundle. Perhaps you need to add execution rights before (something like chmod a+x).
Correct me if i'm wrong, but does OVMF (UEFI) not require the machine type q35?
Maybe there is also a bug in the current release when UEFI-booting a Default (i440fx) machine as there is with q35! Looks like the default machine-aliases are not handled correctly for UEFI VMs. Can you try setting machine: pc-i440fx-4.1 in your VM configuration?
Hi, I did all the process again.

1- VMware Client 5.5 export to OVA the VM.
2-In proxmox, tar xvf MPSoftware.ova
In this step I got an error, but uncompress correctly.

3. Now I import OVF
qm importovf 101 MPSoftware.ovf local-zfs –format raw

After that, I started VM, and now it started, but when windows is try to loading it happend something because crashed and show me the windows recovery.

And I tried to recovery a previous image, but it send me an error. "The unit where OS is installed is blocked. Please unblocked and try again."


Any idea?
Correct me if i'm wrong, but does OVMF (UEFI) not require the machine type q35?
I currently have a PVE VM running with OVMF and i440fx.

@Leonardo Ramirez Could you please post qm config 101?
Hi, After I read a lot of post, I found that windows doesnt load because it doesnt have drivers for scsi, so, I unttached the VM hard disk, and attached again with IDE or SATA, and my VM with windows run correctly.

Thanks for your help.
This has been part of the migration guide already. I just edited it and tried to make this section more visible and clearer. Feedback would be appreciated :)

With my VM with drive IDE it's woking, but it so slow. So, I tried to change the driver to virito scsi. And I follow each step in the documentation:

Convert Windows to use (VirtIO) SCSI (KVM)
This procedure is required to get Windows to load and active the SCSI drivers, once active you can switch the disk and it should "Just Work".

  • With the VM powered off:
    • ensure the SCSI controller is set to VirtIO, this will work best on Windows 7 or newer.
    • add a new temporary SCSI virtual disk, can be small - for example, 0.1 GB big
    • add the VirtIO Driver ISO to a CD-ROM drive
  • Start the VM and make sure the drivers load for the new disk. You do not need to format it, just make sure you can see it in Device Manager
  • Shut down the Virtual Machine
  • detach the dummy disk and remove it afterwards
  • detach the real disk(s) and re-attach (edit) them as SCSI
  • Add the disks you just removed back as SCSI disks and boot the Virtual Machine.

Attached an small disk:


And I use driver virito 0.1.171 and 0.1.185 and didn't work. And I used win-virito-gt-x64.msi, installed on windows, reboot VM and it didnt work.




Can you help me with that?, What am I do wrong?,