Problem with editing files in CT on Proxmox 7.3-3 and older


New Member
Nov 14, 2022
I have a proxmox with private LAN by vmbr1 behind proxy.
The problem is when I try create a new file or edit existing one via vim or nano editor. They automatically insert strange characters like
64;1;2;6;9;15;18;21;22c64;1;2;6;9;15;18;21;22c over nad over. In nano I can do ctrl+x but vim I can`t quit because non stop it write those characters. I can`t input text, I can`t do nothing onlu quit but in nano. Vim pid i must kill.
This only has place when I connect via SSH and pct enter CT, in proxmox ipmi everything works fine.
OS on CT doesn`t matter (debian 11, ubuntu 22, centos 8) in every OS the problem exists.
Anyone has this issue?
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a bit of a wild guess, but could you check if the problem persists if you use a different terminal? Also check what the TERM[1] environment variable is set to, xterm should be fine, having it set to something that is not present on the server might cause the weird behavior you see.

Hey, thanks for answer :) I use xterm-256color and problem is on this setup. Changing to something else give totally nothing
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Since the only thing that does not change with all the things you tried is the terminal you use, it sounds like the problem might be related to your terminal and the config you use for it. Could you try using a different terminal? xterm(the application) or maybe just the root shell in the Web UI(to SSH or pct enter into the CT).