[SOLVED] Problem with backup ZFS via iSCSI


Active Member
Aug 22, 2020

I've configured ZFS via iSCSI on TrueNAS with the "TheGrandWazoo" plug-in...and all is running smooth and perfect, but the backup not.

I've schedule two backups, one on my NAS and one to my PBS.
Both backups give me errors.
But if on the same backup under the Backup tab in Datacenter I'll start it manually there is no problem, the backup will be done successfully.

This is the error when is starting automatically:
file /etc/pve/storage.cfg line 34 (section 'SSD-Storage') - unable to parse value of 'freenas_apiv4_host': unknown property type
file /etc/pve/storage.cfg line 35 (section 'SSD-Storage') - unable to parse value of 'freenas_password': unknown property type
file /etc/pve/storage.cfg line 36 (section 'SSD-Storage') - unable to parse value of 'freenas_use_ssl': unknown property type
file /etc/pve/storage.cfg line 37 (section 'SSD-Storage') - unable to parse value of 'freenas_user': unknown property type
file /etc/pve/storage.cfg line 48 (section 'HDD-Storage') - unable to parse value of 'freenas_apiv4_host': unknown property type
file /etc/pve/storage.cfg line 49 (section 'HDD-Storage') - unable to parse value of 'freenas_password': unknown property type
file /etc/pve/storage.cfg line 50 (section 'HDD-Storage') - unable to parse value of 'freenas_use_ssl': unknown property type
file /etc/pve/storage.cfg line 51 (section 'HDD-Storage') - unable to parse value of 'freenas_user': unknown property type
INFO: starting new backup job: vzdump --mode snapshot --storage Backup-SRV --mailnotification always --quiet 1 --notes-template '{{guestname}}' --all 1 --mailto xxx.xx.xx
INFO: skip external VMs: 100, 103, 104, 110, 111, 112, 115, 119, 120, 124, 129, 131, 134
INFO: Starting Backup of VM 113 (qemu)
INFO: Backup started at 2023-10-03 11:53:02
INFO: status = running
INFO: VM Name: xxx.xxx.xx
INFO: include disk 'scsi0' 'SSD-Storage:vm-113-disk-1' 72G
INFO: include disk 'scsi1' 'SSD-Storage:vm-113-disk-2' 32G
INFO: include disk 'efidisk0' 'SSD-Storage:vm-113-disk-0' 528K
INFO: include disk 'tpmstate0' 'TPM:vm-113-disk-0' 4M
ERROR: Backup of VM 113 failed - freenas: unknown iscsi provider. Available [comstar, istgt, iet, LIO] at /usr/share/perl5/PVE/Storage/ZFSPlugin.pm line 35.
INFO: Failed at 2023-10-03 11:53:03

Anybody have an idea?

Looks like your storage.cfg is misconfigured, or you have more than one node and only patched one of the nodes.
Essentially wherever the backup is running, it does not see the changes that would make it aware of "freenas" as valid storage.
I'd recommend to doublecheck the installation steps, ensure you performed them on all nodes if you have more than one. If everything checks out, reach out to plugin creator via github.

Blockbridge : Ultra low latency all-NVME shared storage for Proxmox - https://www.blockbridge.com/proxmox

Can you give me the output of
  • cat /etc/pve/jobs.cfg
  • cat /etc/pve/storage.cfg
  • lsblk
  • journalctl -b
Yes I have 3 nodes...but I've pathched all of three and do alle the procedure like in the guide.
Now I've redo the patch and on pve3 the backup is staring correctly, but pve 1 and pve2 has the error. I've restarted the pve2 but nothing change.
Here is the files.



Did you redact data from your storage.conf? There seems to be no storage 'Backup-SRV' and the 'Backup-NAS' does not seem to have an IP.

The error
Oct 04 11:19:01 pve2 pvescheduler[1300494]: ERROR: Backup of VM 115 failed - freenas: unknown iscsi provider. Available [comstar, istgt, iet, LIO] at /usr/share/perl5/PVE/Storage/ZFSPlugin.pm line 35.
Probably means that a plugin is not working correctly.

When you are doing it manually, what storage do you select then?
Yes, I've cut out the IP from the configuration. Attached the complete storage file....only iommited the password and the encyption key.

When I'm doing it manually I'm not doing nothing special...only click on the Backup and click "Run now" and it's running correctly


When you make a backup manual there is a 'Storage' option. What do you choose there?
I don't do the backup of a single machine...but I do the scheduled backup manually (image attached).

So this is the same backup that the system will start.
If i click on "Run now" tha backup is starting properly (second image)


  • bck.jpg
    23.6 KB · Views: 5
  • bck2.jpg
    148.9 KB · Views: 6
Yes, I've launched this script on all the nodes:


cd /root/freenas-proxmox

patch -b /usr/share/pve-manager/js/pvemanagerlib.js < pve-manager/js/pvemanagerlib.js.patch
patch -b /usr/share/perl5/PVE/Storage/ZFSPlugin.pm < perl5/PVE/Storage/ZFSPlugin.pm.patch
patch -b /usr/share/pve-docs/api-viewer/apidoc.js < pve-docs/api-viewer/apidoc.js.patch

cp perl5/PVE/Storage/LunCmd/FreeNAS.pm /usr/share/perl5/PVE/Storage/LunCmd/FreeNAS.pm

systemctl restart pvedaemon
systemctl restart pveproxy
systemctl restart pvestatd

systemctl restart pve-ha-lrm
systemctl restart pve-ha-crm

The problem seems to be something related with your plugin. Unfortunately I do have no experience with it. You can try to
  • Double check if you installed the correct plugin for your PVE version
  • Created the file with the correct user and the correct file permissions
  • Reboot your entire system to make sure you did not forget to restart some service
  • Wait for other Proxmox user that have more experience with that plugin.
Good luck