Problem update from 3.1 to 4.0


Renowned Member
Mar 28, 2007
I try today to update from 3.1.5892 and I receive the following messages:

root@mailgw:~# md5sum proxmox-upgrade-4.0
93bec75faf5bb942107eff93254a56fe  proxmox-upgrade-4.0
root@mailgw:~# chmod +x proxmox-upgrade-4.0
root@mailgw:~# ./proxmox-upgrade-4.0
starting proxmox update
unable to unpack archive - please verify md5sum
removing temporary files

Please advice me...
do you have enough free space?

check with:

> df -h
Hi Tom,

yes, the free space is the problem. Right now, are only <500Mb free on disk. The virtual machine have a small Hard disk. I try to increase the disk size. Otherwise I must start a clean install and transfer everything to the new machine.

I come back with updates. In this evening I will try to correct this inconvenient
Off Topic:

I have a question maybe someone know if it's possible or not: how I can resize the PMG disk partition in VMWare ESX5.1. I increase the disk size, I try to make this operation with Acronis (used in for Windows based VM's) but says unsupported volume.

I need an advice just to know what actions to take.

Thank you.
this is a 2-step process.

1. increase the disk via your hypervisor (in your case, via VMware ESX5.1)
2. boot the VM from a Linux Live CD with "gparted" installed, e.g. I use just a standard Ubuntu Desktop ISO (ubuntu-14.04.2-desktop-amd64.iso)

As soon as you are inside Ubuntu Live CD, start "gparted" and resize the disk as you like and apply the actions. Finally reboot back to your Mail Gateway and you will see the extended disk.
Hello everyone,

after I edit and increase partition size with gparted everything work perfect! I apply the updates and patch with no problems. For anyone else who will have this problem, GParted have a liveCD only for this purpose...

Thank you for support.