problem restore backup

Pedro Ramos Hdez

New Member
Mar 15, 2019

i try to restore my virtual machines from backup via the web interface, but i get these error message:

** (process:30541): ERROR **: restore failed - wrong vma extent header chechsum
/bin/bash: line 1: 30540 Broken pipe zcat /media/BACKUP/Proxmox/dump/vzdump-qemu-100-2017_05_28-10_30_02.vma.gz
30541 Trace/breakpoint trap | vma extract -v -r /var/tmp/vzdumptmp30538.fifo - /var/tmp/vzdumptmp30538
temporary volume 'r1volume1TB:vm-101-disk-1' sucessfuly removed
TASK ERROR: command 'zcat /media/BACKUP/Proxmox/dump/vzdump-qemu-100-2017_05_28-10_30_02.vma.gz|vma extract -v -r /var/tmp/vzdumptmp30538.fifo - /var/tmp/vzdumptmp30538' failed: exit code 133

I am using
proxmox beta Virtual Environment 5.0-5 / c155b5bc
What can i do?
I've already tried in the other versions of proxomox that follow and I get the same error

Thank you for your help!
there is no other backup, and I need a possible solution to access the content of that vm, in reality I need to access the content not to restore the vma
I have a backup that apparently is corrupt or at least it is the term that all the specialists tell me. There is some way to access the content of that backup and extract some data
using the testdisk application I can recover from a raw image but the one I have is a vma. how can I force the extraction of that vma to get the raw file from the inside
Although unlikely to yield results, you can try analyzing the backup file with `testdisk`.

i need some help how i use testdisk I already looked for it but I did not see how to apply it to my problem, and it is necessary to try to get the content of that vma with problems
You can try using `binwalk` if you're searching for something specific in the archive. Use `dd` to write the file out.
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Before you experiment with the "broken" backup, do a backup of the backup.

What, if you try to extract the vma manually first with gunzip? Does it work?

cp /media/BACKUP/Proxmox/dump/vzdump-qemu-100-2017_05_28-10_30_02.vma.gz /tmp
cd /tmp
gunzip -d vzdump-qemu-100-2017_05_28-10_30_02.vma.gz
vma extract vzdump-qemu-100-2017_05_28-10_30_02.vma /tmp/vmbackup

You should see a raw file in /tmp/vmbackup.

If that worked you can mount the raw disk file with kpartx.

Check partitions:
kpartx -l /tmp/vmbackup/disk-drive.raw

Add partitions to devmapper:
kpartx -a -v /tmp/vmbackup/disk-drive.raw

Mount partitions and investigate or use testdisk on loopdevice.

mount -o ro /dev/mapper/loopXpX /mnt
ls -lah /mnt
testdisk /dev/mapper/loopXpX

Edit: Oh I just saw you can use testdisk on a raw image directly with
testdisk /tmp/vmbackup/disk-drive.raw
So you can save the step with kpartx.
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You can try using `binwalk` if you're searching for something specific in the archive. Use `dd` to write the file out.
In reallity i have to prube any solution because some Friends of me could be un problem whit Justice if i no recover that information
Before you experiment with the "broken" backup, do a backup of the backup.

What, if you try to extract the vma manually first with gunzip? Does it work?

cp /media/BACKUP/Proxmox/dump/vzdump-qemu-100-2017_05_28-10_30_02.vma.gz /tmp
cd /tmp
gunzip -d vzdump-qemu-100-2017_05_28-10_30_02.vma.gz
vma extract vzdump-qemu-100-2017_05_28-10_30_02.vma /tmp/vmbackup

You should see a raw file in /tmp/vmbackup.

If that worked you can mount the raw disk file with kpartx.

Check partitions:
kpartx -l /tmp/vmbackup/disk-drive.raw

Add partitions to devmapper:
kpartx -a -v /tmp/vmbackup/disk-drive.raw

Mount partitions and investigate or use testdisk on loopdevice.

mount -o ro /dev/mapper/loopXpX /mnt
ls -lah /mnt
testdisk /dev/mapper/loopXpX

Edit: Oh I just saw you can use testdisk on a raw image directly with
testdisk /tmp/vmbackup/disk-drive.raw
So you can save the step with kpartx.
Thank i Will trie now because i reallity need recover that information