I tried to add a 5th node to my cluster, and it appears in the running cluster but as offline. I see the correct corosync config on the cluster, but when I look at the new node it did not get an updated corosyn.conf file (in /etc/pve, it did in /etc/corosync), and it will not let me login to the UI (though I can ssh in). I tried the restart commands from this thread to no effect. I see errors in starting corosync below. Should I remove it from the cluster and try again?
root@svr-00:/var/run# systemctl status corosync
● corosync.service - Corosync Cluster Engine
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/corosync.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Thu 2020-05-21 16:29:30 EDT; 806ms ago
Docs: man:corosync
Process: 5515 ExecStart=/usr/sbin/corosync -f $COROSYNC_OPTIONS (code=exited, status=8)
Main PID: 5515 (code=exited, status=8)
May 21 16:29:30 svr-00 systemd[1]: Starting Corosync Cluster Engine...
May 21 16:29:30 svr-00 corosync[5515]: [MAIN ] Corosync Cluster Engine 3.0.3 starting up
May 21 16:29:30 svr-00 corosync[5515]: [MAIN ] Corosync built-in features: dbus monitoring watchdog systemd xmlconf snmp p
May 21 16:29:30 svr-00 corosync[5515]: [MAIN ] interface section bindnetaddr is used together with nodelist. Nodelist one
May 21 16:29:30 svr-00 corosync[5515]: [MAIN ] Please migrate config file to nodelist.
May 21 16:29:30 svr-00 corosync[5515]: [MAIN ] parse error in config: No multicast port specified
May 21 16:29:30 svr-00 corosync[5515]: [MAIN ] Corosync Cluster Engine exiting with status 8 at main.c:1386.
May 21 16:29:30 svr-00 systemd[1]: corosync.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=8/n/a
May 21 16:29:30 svr-00 systemd[1]: corosync.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
May 21 16:29:30 svr-00 systemd[1]: Failed to start Corosync Cluster Engine.