Possible to change Proxmox default port now?

Which is why I've put it into a script to run after any upgrades, so any upgrade that reverts the hard-coded port will be corrected after it is overwritten.
Unless a upgrade changes those files you manipulate so your script doesn't work any longer. We already had similar things with the script that edits proxmox files to remove the "nag" popup.
This guide is useless, because I still can access 8006, so do the Hacker sir :) and put nginx mean give more oppurtunity for hacker, also make additional server load

IMO, if u wanna protect yourself (environment) against hackers you should have secure NGFW in front of PMG. Hiding ports or changing them will never helps you.
Found a couple more stragglers, just to make everything consistent, here is what we currently run after upgrade:
grep -rwl '8006' /usr/share/perl5/PVE/ | xargs sed -i 's|8006|443|g'
grep -rwl '8006' /usr/share/pve-docs/ | xargs sed -i 's|:8006||g'
grep -rwl '8006' /usr/share/pve-docs/ | xargs sed -i 's|8006|443|g'
grep -rwl '8006' /usr/share/doc/pve-manager/ | xargs sed -i 's|:8006||g'
sed -i 's|:8006||g' /usr/bin/pvebanner
sed -i 's|:8006||g' /etc/issue
echo 'net.ipv4.ip_unprivileged_port_start=0' > /etc/sysctl.d/50-unprivileged-ports.conf
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