Possible bug with Migrate dialog GUI?


Jun 20, 2020
I have run into an issue with the Migrate dialog GUI which does not allow me to migrate due to the "migrate" button being grayed out or disabled. Just for clarification, the migration works perfectly fine from the command line using 'qm migrate ...'. I was able to trace the issue to the fact that when I select migrate and the dialog comes up, the first node (node1) in the nodes list does not contain the zfs pool (zfs-pool1) used by the VM that I want to migrate (this makes sense). However, when I select a different node that does contain the required zfs-pool1 for the VM then the "migrate" button remains grayed out or disabled.

I temporarily resolved this by faking this in /etc/pve/storage.cfg, where I added node1 to the zfs-pool1 that the VM is using despite node1 not physically having a zfs-pool1.

zfspool: zfs-pool1
pool zfs-pool1
content rootdir,images
mountpoint /zfs-pool1
nodes node1,node2,node3,node4
sparse 1

Is this an actual bug and if so, is there a proper channel to report this as one?
