Please tweet this product more #proxmox


Renowned Member
Oct 6, 2009
Newark, DE USA
I don't know how many folks actually follow twitter in the technology space - but the open source community struggles to get it's message and it's products out there. I'd love to see some of the proxmox development community poking and prodding on the vmware/cisco blogsphere.

Specifically - would like to see the proxmox folks in the social media sites, trying to get their products out there. Know that it's difficult to put time in - but the projects need to get promoted better.

Proxmox fits with cloud strategy as any other hypervisor would.

I was irritated when I searched #proxmox, and found very little in twitter.

Personally I do not think that platforms like twitter are the primarily place to get informed about new technologies but you are right, we need more promotion. we will start with this as soon as we got the same budget like the companies you named :-)
Well - started to anyways :P. I posted the project to and they have a reasonable twitter interface. Tech geeks from big $$$ companies are all over twitter (and they watch for folks who know WTF and understand how to find interesting solutions.)

I only make that suggestion as a supporter and advocate for the product. I'll do what I can to promote it - as I think it fits a large problem space in the Virtualization community.

twitter is just another avenue for finding potential customers and setting up your intellectual market presence.
thanks for your efforts and comments!