Planning the storage, cluster with zfs+glusterfs


I have some doubts on how to plan my homelab cluster storage, I'd like to start soft adding storage and security/redundancy layers afterwards.

Let's say I have on all three hosts:
  • 1 disc (500GB) for OS
  • 1 disc (2TB, zfs, glusterfs) for VMs
Let's also say I'd like to achieve one of the following setups for all three hosts:
  • 2 disks (500GB. mirror) for OS
  • 3 disks (2TB, raidz, glusterfs) for VMs
  • 3 disks (500GB. raidz) for OS
  • 3 disks (2TB, raidz, glusterfs) for VMs
I mean: how to properly plan a step by step implementation of raid levels on zfs, both with or without glusterfs on top?

Thank you very much,