Hi there,
Yesterday I added a third node to my cluster and since then the quorum keeps going up and down randomly.
both nodes "hyperviser2" and "hyperviser" are on the same site same network, and the new one "hyperbackup1" is on a remote site, connected through an ipsec tunnel on a different network. I tried to monitor the connectivity and ping is ok.
Any idea where to look as it doesn't seem to be a routing issue
even between the 2 hypervisers directly connected ("hyperviser2" and "hyperviser") I get some issues.
Yesterday I added a third node to my cluster and since then the quorum keeps going up and down randomly.
both nodes "hyperviser2" and "hyperviser" are on the same site same network, and the new one "hyperbackup1" is on a remote site, connected through an ipsec tunnel on a different network. I tried to monitor the connectivity and ping is ok.
Any idea where to look as it doesn't seem to be a routing issue
even between the 2 hypervisers directly connected ("hyperviser2" and "hyperviser") I get some issues.
root@hyperbackup1 ~ # traceroute
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets
1 ( 0.157 ms 0.147 ms 0.145 ms
2 * * *
3 ( 32.125 ms 32.123 ms 32.121 ms
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets
1 pfsense.eec31.local ( 0.179 ms 0.179 ms 0.152 ms
2 * * *
3 hyperbackup1.eec31.local ( 32.118 ms 32.111 ms 32.103 ms
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