Pfsense Virtualized on DellPowerEdge R720 - Throughput Issues


New Member
Feb 25, 2024
Hello all! I recently converted from VMware Esxi over to Proxmox about a week ago. Ever since the switch, my throughput on Pfsense (my firewall) has been terrible. I pay for a 1Gbps plan through my ISP and now only get barely 200. My thoughts are the drivers on the virtual machine inside of Proxmox since the hardware is no different from when I virtualized Pfsense before on Vmware Esxi. I switched it recently to the Vmware nic's in the hardware configuration of the pfsense vm and a bit better of throughput across all clients. Does anyone know a possible solution to this? I can't see to find a forum showing the same situation. If anyone has any ideas, let me know! Thank you!