Permissions for mounted NFS share on Ubuntu LXC


New Member
Oct 25, 2021
Hello all,

New user to Linux/Promox but decided to try and learn it but im getting stuck on this problem.
I have installed priveleged LXC container with Ubuntu 20.04.
Within Proxmox itself i have mounted my Synology NAS as a NFS share.
In the /etc/pve/lxc/xxx.conf i have added mountpoint for the share and enabled it in the options to mount the NFS and have nesting enabled now (i did not have nesting active when setting up the LXC but read some posts that it should be enabled).
The first time when i booted the LXC i installed Plex as the Synology hosts some videofiles, everything worked without a problem and all files could be accessed.
This has survived multiple reboots of the LXC without problem, until today wheni decided to reboot the entire server.
After reboting the entire server it seems like the NFS is still there but i cant read data from it, so within plex i cant access the videos anymore.
Going in as root i can create files and delete them, looking at the owner i see the file is created/owned by "root", all folders in the NFS directory are owned by "users".
So im guessing by rebooting the entire server something changed that is causing this to be owned by "users", i have tried to look /etc/passwd to se if i could find that users but havent been able to find it.
Any help in getting this working would be appriciated, mounting everything as root shouldnt matter, already running priveleged wich destroys the security and the services running on here are all LAN services, nothing is accesable from the WAN.

I would guess the problem is the right management on your synology and not on your LXC. You should check if you changed something on your NAS.
Thx, i did not change anything on the Synology.
I have rebuilded the LXC's and changed some user permissions within the LXC's and now its working.
Also after a reboot it keeps working.