To avoid to loose emails during patches and upgrades we usually closed the SMTP ports via the local firewall in the past at other Linux mail relays. Now I'm missing the functionality of iptables-save / iptables-restore at the PMG. Even after installing the mentioned packages and saving the firewall configuration we have an unconfigured firewall after the reboot. I think there are missing the scripts to restore the saved firewall configuration during the restart process.
Is there anyone who can help? Any other ideas?
To avoid to loose emails during patches and upgrades we usually closed the SMTP ports via the local firewall in the past at other Linux mail relays. Now I'm missing the functionality of iptables-save / iptables-restore at the PMG. Even after installing the mentioned packages and saving the firewall configuration we have an unconfigured firewall after the reboot. I think there are missing the scripts to restore the saved firewall configuration during the restart process.
Is there anyone who can help? Any other ideas?