pct restore : Cannot write: No space left on device


Nov 10, 2021
Hi there,

I'm trying to restore an openvz container from an old proxmox server and I got "No space left on device" . I don't understand why as there is more than 1.7 Tb free in the system.

NAME                         MAJ:MIN RM   SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINT
sda                            8:0    0   1.8T  0 disk 
├─sda1                         8:1    0  1007K  0 part 
├─sda2                         8:2    0   512M  0 part 
└─sda3                         8:3    0   1.8T  0 part 
  ├─pve-swap                 253:0    0     1G  0 lvm  [SWAP]
  ├─pve-root                 253:1    0  41.4G  0 lvm  /
  ├─pve-data_tmeta           253:2    0  15.8G  0 lvm  
  │ └─pve-data-tpool         253:4    0   1.7T  0 lvm  
  │   ├─pve-data             253:5    0   1.7T  1 lvm  
  │   └─pve-vm--101--disk--0 253:6    0    50G  0 lvm  
  └─pve-data_tdata           253:3    0   1.7T  0 lvm  
    └─pve-data-tpool         253:4    0   1.7T  0 lvm  
      ├─pve-data             253:5    0   1.7T  1 lvm  
      └─pve-vm--101--disk--0 253:6    0    50G  0 lvm  
sdb                            8:16   0   3.6T  0 disk 
├─sdb1                         8:17   0   200M  0 part 
├─sdb2                         8:18   0 307.3G  0 part 
├─sdb3                         8:19   0 698.5G  0 part 
└─sdb4                         8:20   0   1.7T  0 part /mnt/sdb4
sr0                           11:0    1  1024M  0 rom

Here is the command issued :
pct restore 100 '/mnt/sdb4/vzdump-openvz-100-2021_11_09-09_48_03.tar' --storage local-lvm
storage does not support content type 'backup'
recovering backed-up configuration from '/mnt/sdb4/vzdump-openvz-100-2021_11_09-09_48_03.tar'
  Logical volume "vm-100-disk-0" created.
Creating filesystem with 9175040 4k blocks and 2293760 inodes
Filesystem UUID: 63d81662-5aed-4d85-8f7c-ef00dd28b78c
Superblock backups stored on blocks:
        32768, 98304, 163840, 229376, 294912, 819200, 884736, 1605632, 2654208,
        4096000, 7962624
restoring '/mnt/sdb4/vzdump-openvz-100-2021_11_09-09_48_03.tar' now..
extracting archive '/mnt/sdb4/vzdump-openvz-100-2021_11_09-09_48_03.tar'
tar: ./home/dos/home/a_user/I.E.P.N.L/Video/marketing/davidjay/ReplayWebinar1-18-12-2014.mp4: Wrote only 2560 of 10240 bytes
tar: ./home/dos/home/a_user/I.E.P.N.L/Video/marketing/davidjay/LRV-2014/j1-4-polariser-votre-message-partie-1-sur-2.mp4: Cannot write: No space left on device


tar: ./tmp: Cannot mkdir: No space left on device
tar: ./tmp/.ICE-unix: Cannot mkdir: No such file or directory
Total bytes read: 146855249920 (137GiB, 34MiB/s)
tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors
  Logical volume "vm-100-disk-0" successfully removed
unable to restore CT 100 - command 'tar xpf - --totals --one-file-system -p --sparse --numeric-owner --acls --xattrs '--xattrs-include=user.*' '--xattrs-include=security.capability' '--warning=no-file-ignored' '--warning=no-xattr-write' -C /var/lib/lxc/100/rootfs --skip-old-files --anchored --exclude './dev/*'' failed: exit code 2

I can't figure out what I am doing wrong.


Try to specify the root file system size, for example to use 500GB:

# pct restore 100 '/mnt/sdb4/vzdump-openvz-100-2021_11_09-09_48_03.tar' --storage local-lvm --rootfs local-lvm:500
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Reactions: markwaters
Try to specify the root file system size, for example to use 500GB:

# pct restore 100 '/mnt/sdb4/vzdump-openvz-100-2021_11_09-09_48_03.tar' --storage local-lvm --rootfs local-lvm:500
Thanks very much. it worked fine but things are going wild :

# pct restore 100 '/mnt/sdb4/vzdump-openvz-100-2021_11_09-09_48_03.tar' --storage local-lvm --rootfs local-lvm:500
recovering backed-up configuration from '/mnt/sdb4/vzdump-openvz-100-2021_11_09-09_48_03.tar'
  Logical volume "vm-100-disk-0" created.
Creating filesystem with 131072000 4k blocks and 32768000 inodes
Filesystem UUID: d5c55670-6292-4e61-8032-bb71e3cc1058
Superblock backups stored on blocks: 
        32768, 98304, 163840, 229376, 294912, 819200, 884736, 1605632, 2654208, 
        4096000, 7962624, 11239424, 20480000, 23887872, 71663616, 78675968, 
restoring '/mnt/sdb4/vzdump-openvz-100-2021_11_09-09_48_03.tar' now..
extracting archive '/mnt/sdb4/vzdump-openvz-100-2021_11_09-09_48_03.tar'
Total bytes read: 146855249920 (137GiB, 34MiB/s)
Detected container architecture: i386
merging backed-up and given configuration..
Converting OpenVZ configuration to LXC.
Please check the configuration and reconfigure the network.
  Logical volume "vm-100-disk-0" successfully removed
unable to restore CT 100 - unsupported Ubuntu version '6.06'

I know it's an outdated system with and old customized cyrus imap version running. Upgrading is very risky.
Is there anything that can be done to implement this old system on Proxmox 7.X ?
What would you do ?

Best regards,

# pct restore 100 '/mnt/sdb4/vzdump-openvz-100-2021_11_09-09_48_03.tar' --storage local-lvm --rootfs local-lvm:500
My backups are on a PBS elsewhere. As I see it, there is no regular mounting point on the pve (nano /etc/pve/storage.cfg).
How can I adopt the command for using storage by PBS?
My backups are on a PBS elsewhere. As I see it, there is no regular mounting point on the pve (nano /etc/pve/storage.cfg).
How can I adopt the command for using storage by PBS?
you can just specify the volume ID from PBS, e.g. if your PBS has storage ID pbs:
pct restore 1212 pbs:backup/ct/127/2022-07-20T11:44:01Z --storage lvm

Use pvesm list <PBS storage ID> to list your backups.