tl;dr, I have multiple IP addresses on PBS (1 per VLAN) and want to bind the GUI to a single VLAN. I'm not sure how to do this/if it's possible.
I've got two NICs set up in my PBS server via a Linux bond. I put a VMBR on top of that so I could assign VLANs.
One of the VLANs is my management VLAN. This one has IP Address A.
The other VLAN is my storage network VLAN. It has IP Address B.
I'd like for the web GUI to be bound only to IP Address A. Nothing and no one should ever attempt to use the GUI from within the storage network VLAN.
I think I could dig into the system via the shell and find whatever config file tells the web server to listen on all interfaces, but that is clearly not a supported adjustment. Am I missing something?
Right now, my config looks like this:
tl;dr, I have multiple IP addresses on PBS (1 per VLAN) and want to bind the GUI to a single VLAN. I'm not sure how to do this/if it's possible.
I've got two NICs set up in my PBS server via a Linux bond. I put a VMBR on top of that so I could assign VLANs.
One of the VLANs is my management VLAN. This one has IP Address A.
The other VLAN is my storage network VLAN. It has IP Address B.
I'd like for the web GUI to be bound only to IP Address A. Nothing and no one should ever attempt to use the GUI from within the storage network VLAN.
I think I could dig into the system via the shell and find whatever config file tells the web server to listen on all interfaces, but that is clearly not a supported adjustment. Am I missing something?
Right now, my config looks like this:
root@andromeda0:~# cat /etc/network/interfaces
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
iface enp1s0 inet manual
#MTU 9000
mtu 9000
iface enp2s0 inet manual
#MTU 9000
mtu 9000
source /etc/network/interfaces.d/*
auto bond0
iface bond0 inet manual
#LACP Bond for On-Board Intel NICs - MTU 9000
bond-mode 802.3ad
bond_xmit_hash_policy layer2+3
bond-slaves enp1s0 enp2s0
mtu 9000
auto vmbr0
iface vmbr0 inet static
#Linux bridge with VLAN tag awareness for bond0 - MTU 9000
bridge-vlan-aware yes
bridge-ports bond0
bridge-vids 2-4094
mtu 9000
auto vmbr0.200
iface vmbr0.200 inet static
#Storage Network VLAN - MTU 9000
mtu 9000