PBS running in VM with TrueNAS datastore...


New Member
Jan 17, 2024
OK... apologies... I'm learning Proxmox as I go and backups are important so I'm just going to ask.

I have PRIMARY and SECONDARY physical servers running Proxmox and both have a TrueNAS VM running. Both have and NFS share available for PBS backup use and I have PBSv3.2 also running in a VM. Although I may only need one datastore, PBS has both NFS shares mounted and configured as datastores. I'm trying to make sure all VMs are backed up via "snapshot" but I'm curious what will happen if a backup is started on the "primary" TrueNAS VM that is responsible for hosting the "primary" NFS share mounted to PBS as a datastore.

Will there just be a brief pause for the "freeze/thaw" and PBS can then continue to backup the TrueNAS VM to the NFS share that is self-hosted? Or does this TrueNAS VM need to be backed up to the "secondary" PBS datastore which is shared on the 2nd physical box?

I know this sounds convoluted and maybe Proxmox just works? I'm looking for some insight into the right way to do this. I guess the same question can be asked about backing up the PBS VM...
better is to backup the vms from node 1 to truenas datastore on node 2, of course
I vote for more convoluted. Run the PBS server as a nested VM on TrueNAS.
It's a terrible idea, but at least the PBS would have direct disk access.


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