PBS local disk full when backup to remote NFS directory


New Member
Apr 9, 2023
Hello, I installed PBS for backup 4 VMs.

The resources of PBS ARE:

12GB of RAM
32GB local disk
5TB remote disk connected via NFS3.

Total size of VM's is around 2,2TB.

The version of PBS is 3.0-2.

The problem is when I start the backup the local disk will start filling up, bud I can see that backups are created on remote disk. Why the local disk is filled, when I saving backups to remote disk? There is any kind of cache? Why after backup job termination, the local disk is not cleared?

Now the result is I have almost 96% of local disk full, and I am not able to run new backup job.
Please any ideas, how to clear disk and protect the backup process to fail to local disk overflow.

Also I have another PBS, version 2.4-2 I do some another backups there, their size is about 1TB, I have 16 GB local disk there and there is aroud 4,5GB space used and not grow any more. It can be bud in 3.0-2?

Thank for any advice.
Why the local disk is filled, when I saving backups to remote disk?
Most likely your NFS share isn't mounted so you are backing up to the unmounted mountpoint, so data ends up on the root filesystem.

Run mount and check if the NFS share is actually mounted and check with cat /etc/proxmox-backup/datastore.cfg | grep path if the path of your datastore matches this mountpoint.
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Most likely your NFS share isn't mounted so you are backing up to the unmounted mountpoint, so data ends up on the root filesystem.

Run mount and check if the NFS share is actually mounted and check with cat /etc/proxmox-backup/datastore.cfg | grep path if the path of your datastore matches this mountpoint.
Thank you. It was like that. :-)