PBS - Fails to restore container


New Member
Jun 29, 2024
Hi team.

Posted this on reddit, but realised this is likely a better place.

Hopefully someone has seen this issue before. Just can't get this container to restore, so not sure if I should continue using PBS on this type of workload.

The resource is a container, running docker compose. 2 containers: Immich app + database. Storage is ZFS on the pve server and the pbs server.
Restoring over 1Gbe only.
Backup Server 3.2-7

Restore logs

recovering backed-up configuration from 'pbs:backup/ct/104/2024-08-26T02:05:12Z'
restoring 'pbs:backup/ct/104/2024-08-26T02:05:12Z' now..
Error: error extracting archive - encountered unexpected error during extraction: error at entry "IMG_0399.JPG": failed to extract file: failed to copy file contents: Failed to parse chunk fd1b048f2d5f3aa2bfd17333a077abb6069cc4c81195be42f0dbae2be8864505 - Data blob has wrong CRC checksum.
TASK ERROR: unable to restore CT 125 - command 'lxc-usernsexec -m u:0:100000:65536 -m g:0:100000:65536 -- /usr/bin/proxmox-backup-client restore '--crypt-mode=none' ct/104/2024-08-26T02:05:12Z root.pxar /var/lib/lxc/125/rootfs --allow-existing-dirs --repository root@pam@' failed: exit code 255

I have only found one reference to this issue, but wasn't quite the same, and there was no solution.
My second attempt at restoring failed on the same file. But that could be the first error of many. 37 minutes each attempt.

I have had no issues restoring other containers and VMs (up to 50GB), but have never tested this container, which is much bigger with a lot more files. Files are also 99% video/photo.
The datastore verification log is full of this;

Verification logs

2024-08-26T15:17:53+12:00: chunk fd1b048f2d5f3aa2bfd17333a077abb6069cc4c81195be42f0dbae2be8864505 was marked as corrupt
2024-08-26T15:17:55+12:00: verified 744.73/965.90 MiB in 1.85 seconds, speed 402.57/522.12 MiB/s (1 errors)
2024-08-26T15:17:55+12:00: verify datastore:ct/104/2024-08-12T16:00:17Z/root.pxar.didx failed: chunks could not be verified
2024-08-26T15:17:55+12:00: check catalog.pcat1.didx

All backups in the chain fail verification. No I wasn't running verification until today. (2 weeks of backups)

I seem to be able to download individual files from the backup without issue, but will be downloading the entire folder I want when I get home just in case.

Edit: Third restore attempt failed on the same single file again.

PBS task ends with;

2024-08-26T16:18:19+12:00: GET /chunk
2024-08-26T16:18:19+12:00: download chunk "/datastore/.chunks/fd1b/fd1b048f2d5f3aa2bfd17333a077abb6069cc4c81195be42f0dbae2be8864505"
2024-08-26T16:18:19+12:00: GET /chunk: 400 Bad Request: reading file "/datastore/.chunks/fd1b/fd1b048f2d5f3aa2bfd17333a077abb6069cc4c81195be42f0dbae2be8864505" failed: No such file or directory (os error 2)
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but have never tested this container
All backups in the chain fail verification. No I wasn't running verification until today. (2 weeks of backups)
2024-08-26T15:17:53+12:00: chunk fd1b048f2d5f3aa2bfd17333a077abb6069cc4c81195be42f0dbae2be8864505 was marked as corrupt
2024-08-26T16:18:19+12:00: GET /chunk: 400 Bad Request: reading file "/datastore/.chunks/fd1b/fd1b048f2d5f3aa2bfd17333a077abb6069cc4c81195be42f0dbae2be8864505" failed: No such file or directory (os error 2)
Well, seems the chunk is missing - and restoring backups with missing data is not really possible, obviously.
That's one of the reason regular chunk verification is so important.

You might be able to download most of the files individually, but please be prepared that some files might not be restorable.

Have you checked the underlying disk(s) for failure and/or the system log for I/O errors and such?
Do you have other/external backups?
Hi Christoph, thank you.
I have downloaded the main library ok which contains these files, and extracted without error.

I don't have another backup of the lxc, but I have other copies of the data (photos) I can rebuild from. But, it is a long process that takes a lot of compute.

The disk is good. Tested ok, enterprise ssds. Only this container has a failure out of ~40 other workloads, all backed up

To save me for next time and understand the product;

Is the corruption caused during the backup between the source data and destination - so my very first backup was corrupted during the backup process?
Or could the corruption have already existed on the disk - and PBS backed it up. But then couldn't restore it.
Obviously a verification in the initial backup would have saved me time either way. :)
I verified the extract and it's a single JPG. No way to recover this through PBS and ignore the corrupted file?

Edit: I am trying with .pxarexclude **/IMG_0399.JPG. No idea if this will work.
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I rebuilt this system today.

I found the same photo in the original data imported into the container. It was corrupt somehow during the application import process.
3 backups were taken during this build. The first backup was OK, second backup FAILED verification, third backup OK.

That one photo is clearly corrupted somehow, but PBS doesn't seem to identify this always? But if it does, it will never restore from that recovery point.

Should PBS care that I want to back up a corrupted file?


I have taken a fourth backup now, after deleting this file. This is successful.
Seems unusual?

I have also changed my backups to STOP over SUSPEND after all this with the hope that it will be better.
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I verified the extract and it's a single JPG. No way to recover this through PBS and ignore the corrupted file?

Edit: I am trying with .pxarexclude **/IMG_0399.JPG. No idea if this will work.
I’ve got the same issue and don’t need the corrupt file

Did the restore work using the exclude?
No, nothing worked other than deleting the file at the source and starting backups again.

1 corrupt file unrelated to the backup process should not destroy your backup chain.