Passing Trunk to VM


Aug 11, 2019
First let me explain my problem. I'm passing a trunk from my cisco switch to my Dell r710 over one ethernet cable, eno1 in Proxmox. I created vmbr with port eno1.10 and gave it an IP so that VLAN 10 on my network can reach Proxmox. However, it appears that when I create that tagged bridge, it takes away the ability to pass eno1 as a trunk to any VMs (through an untagged vmbr of course).

What I ended up having to do pass a 2nd trunk from my switch to eno2. When I create a vmbr tied to eno2 (VLAN aware) and pass that to my pfSense VM, it works perfectly. Now this works fine for now, but my problem arises from future ideas.

I would like at some point to connect all four eth ports on the r710 to my cisco switch and use a portchannel, however, I don't think I can because as soon as I create a tagged bridge from the bond, I lose the ability to trunk to a VM. Am I doing something wrong, or misunderstanding how the networking works? Or perhaps this is a known issue and I just can't seem to find any documentation on it.

Any help is appreciated!
Hmm, I'm not so familiar with all the cisco terms, but as far as I understand it, you just create a cisco trunk to your PVE box with all available ports, bond them together and use the bond as bridge slave. The trunk of ports have to have all the VLAN ID in order to switch across your cisco. Afterwards you can just add the VLAN ID to your VM and the corresponding bridge vlan is created automatically by PVE.

I'm unsure why you want to access PVE from within the VLAN directly, why can't you just use a routed configuration? If you do so, there is no other configuration required on PVE besides setting the VLAN ID on your VM.
I only want the Promox GUI accessible from VLAN 10, so the only option I have there is to create an eno1.10 linux bridge. Don't see a way around that. As soon as I do that though, it appears I can no longer use eno1 for trunking to VM. I don't know why it behaves that way, but it does.
try to enable vlan-aware feature on bridge.

with vlan-aware, you can create a tagged bridge for your proxmox node ip administration

auto vmbr0.10
iface vmbr0.10 inet static

and use vmbr0 for your pfsense vm, with all vlans available.