OVF, Proxmox, migration, QNAP Virtual Station


New Member
Jul 30, 2023
ok, so I've searched the forums for a bit and I probably missed it, but here is what I am attempting to do....

I have a QNAP, TS-973ax, that run virtualization station and my Zimbra mail server. First off, underpowered CPU for this Virtualization station, but I have good disk redundancy. So, I want to move the VM (can be exported as OVF), and migrate to my Proxmox 3 node cluster. They only have 512Gb SSD's, so I want to have them have a shared LUN/Share whatever you want to call it, just best solution.

I did a test setting up a new VM and using iSCSI and could migrate my test machine everywhere, no problems.

My problems are, iSCSI doesn't show up on all the nodes, or even one to "import" the VM using the qm importovf as it did when I had CEPH (but after reading this isn't the best solution for what I am looking for). Looks like iSCSI or NFS for the actual VM, but I just don't see the mount points to do a qm importovf to.

What is the best way to bring a OVF file and import into a iSCSI or NFS from a QNAP running Virtualization Station and getting it imported? I'm sure it's something simple, but I can only find how to do it with CEPH or local storage (which want migrate to another node).

Feel free to link to another thread if you know where the answer is, I have no problem reading it and figuring out, just kinda hung out on this one right now.

Thanks, AJ

PS. I'm not opposed to ZFS over iSCSI or anything, just looking for a plausible VM migration, don't want to setup initial, backup, restore, the Zimbra environment. PIA.
u create the ovf file on the qnap and share this folder via nfs. mount nfs on one node and import it to ceph storage.