I thought it's a good idea to outsource the datastore ns directory to a faster storage and work with a symlink.
Everythink seems fine until GC is started. The 1st phase was skipped or way too fast and 1-2 days later GC deleted all? or most valid chunks of my backups I wanted too keep.
So I have rolled back.
Is there a way too store the ns directory on a faster storage without breaking GC?
I thought it's a good idea to outsource the datastore ns directory to a faster storage and work with a symlink.
Everythink seems fine until GC is started. The 1st phase was skipped or way too fast and 1-2 days later GC deleted all? or most valid chunks of my backups I wanted too keep.
So I have rolled back.
Is there a way too store the ns directory on a faster storage without breaking GC?