outgoing mail server relay for PMG report


Nov 4, 2020
Good day I would like to know if it's possible to specify a smtp server to be used by my PMG server when it send out daily reports, and other reports

Thank you

In the GUI you can configure a smart-host, which is used for all e-mails going out of PMG (also the ones it processes)

specific outbound relay only for locally generated mail might be possible by tweaking the postfix configuration - but I haven't tried that explicitly.

Why would you want that? (out of curiosity)

I hope this helps!
Thanks for the quick fallow up the reason for this is for a matter of SPF record, we are using PMG as mail filter for multiple domain (some are not event host in our premise but we use PMG to filter and then forward email to other servers) so daily spam reports are sent all over the place and my SPF record is pretty full, so my idear was to use my smtp server that I already have and relay all locally generated email to that SMTP server so they would respect all SPF record already in place (I try to add the IP of my 2 PMG servers but it makes my SPF record over 250 caracters... ;-( )

Google and Microsoft are make it really painfull not to use their email solution... and all these new antispam rule are getting hard to fallow

I understand this is not a typical used of PMG, but to be quite honest it work great that way with a cluster of 2 servers we filter about 200 domains with about 30 000 daily email filters

Maybe you have a better idear

I also noticed that that for example Daily Status Report are coming from postmaster@''name of my server''
It look's like it's juste picking up a generic email
Is there a way to set the ''From'' address for the reports ?

thanks in advance

so daily spam reports are sent all over the place
but they are sent with an empty envelope-sender - so pure SPF should not be an issue there?
and for from header you can configure...
GUI->Configuration->Spam Detector->Quarantine
(the admin-report on the other hand has postmaster hardcoded, but that is only sent to your address, and not to your users)

I try to add the IP of my 2 PMG servers but it makes my SPF record over 250 caracters... ;-( )
haven't checked on the length limits of DNS - but a longer DKIM key also has more than 250 bytes - so that should not be an issue
(additionally you can use includes in the spf record):

I hope this helps!