Yesterday evening I installed PVE once again. It took about the time to drink a cup of coffee to set it up. I am very happy about that!
(Next I installed webmin as I like a webinterface to manage Linux. That also works out of the box.)
KVM works, and quite fast too! I will probably use KVM most but I wanted to give Openvz a try too.
Unfortunately I only get a prompt after setting up a guest from template. In the log I see that no IP address has been given.
My onboard NIC is a Realtek 8111C 10/100/1000. Do I need to use another NIC? If so I have an Intel e1000 in there also but not connected yet. Can I simply switch NIC if that's the problem? (have to test it this evening)
(Next I installed webmin as I like a webinterface to manage Linux. That also works out of the box.)
KVM works, and quite fast too! I will probably use KVM most but I wanted to give Openvz a try too.
Unfortunately I only get a prompt after setting up a guest from template. In the log I see that no IP address has been given.
My onboard NIC is a Realtek 8111C 10/100/1000. Do I need to use another NIC? If so I have an Intel e1000 in there also but not connected yet. Can I simply switch NIC if that's the problem? (have to test it this evening)