I've upgraded two servers to PVE 1.6. I am trying to migrate an OpenVZ machine but I get this error:
It does not matter if it's a new or old VM and I get a similar quota related message for offline migration.
Thanks in advance,
I've upgraded two servers to PVE 1.6. I am trying to migrate an OpenVZ machine but I get this error:
/usr/sbin/vzmigrate --online 121003
Starting online migration of CT 121003 to
Preparing remote node
Initializing remote quota
Syncing private
Live migrating container...
Syncing 2nd level quota
Error: Failed to undump container
vzquota : (error) Quota is not running for id 121003
VM 121003 migration failed -
It does not matter if it's a new or old VM and I get a similar quota related message for offline migration.
Thanks in advance,