Only accessible on IP if I ping out

Jan 24, 2022
Proxmox VE 8.2, fresh install, worked fine for about an hour then this. I have disabled firewall on the node and datacenter. The VMs are all accessible via their IPs, no issue there. But, the nodes (I have 5 nodes in a cluster), none of them are accessible 5 minutes after reboot via their IPs. They are online, not frozen, I can get to them if I plug a monitor in, AND the clincher, if I start an outbound ping to the gateway or google dns, it then becomes accessible via its IP.

When I say not accessible I mean I can't ping its IP, get to webui, nor SSH in. I have to direct connect a monitor and keyboard to it, login to cli and start pinging something outside to make it work.

It works fine the first 5 minutes after a reboot, then this.

Its not the router nor the range of IPs, I have another 20 servers with straight ubuntu on this subnet and all are fine.

can you please post ip a and can you test a traceroute from and to the nodes and post the result please?
Proxmox VE 8.2, fresh install, worked fine for about an hour then this. I have disabled firewall on the node and datacenter. The VMs are all accessible via their IPs, no issue there. But, the nodes (I have 5 nodes in a cluster), none of them are accessible 5 minutes after reboot via their IPs. They are online, not frozen, I can get to them if I plug a monitor in, AND the clincher, if I start an outbound ping to the gateway or google dns, it then becomes accessible via its IP.

When I say not accessible I mean I can't ping its IP, get to webui, nor SSH in. I have to direct connect a monitor and keyboard to it, login to cli and start pinging something outside to make it work.

It works fine the first 5 minutes after a reboot, then this.

Its not the router nor the range of IPs, I have another 20 servers with straight ubuntu on this subnet and all are fine.

This look like an arp cache timeout on your gateway, or and mac address table timeout on your switch.