Hello! I know, there are already many posts to this topic, however I'm stuck with my config. I want to use the one NIC for LAN VLAN (ID 1) and WAN VLAN (ID 100).
Therefore I've configured the bridge as VLAN aware:
On the managed switch, the ISP modem is connected to port 4
Proxmox is connected to port 8
VLAN 1 is untagged on 1-3,5-8 (all except port with ISP modem)
VLAN 100 is tagged on port 8 (Proxmox) and untagged on port 4 (ISP modem)
All containers/VMs use vmbr0 with VLAN tag 1 fine and working.
The pfsense container got two network devices:
net0: bridge=vmbr0,firewall=1,tag=1 --> lan, em0 interface to pfsense
net1: brdige=vmbr0,tag=100 -> wan,em1 interface to pfsense
But the problem is, that pfsense cannot obtain a DHCP lease from the WAN interface via the modem. The modem itself is tested and working. Could someone help me figure this out? Any help is appreciated.
Therefore I've configured the bridge as VLAN aware:
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
iface enp3s0 inet manual
auto vmbr0
iface vmbr0 inet static
bridge-ports enp3s0
bridge-stp off
bridge-fd 0
bridge-vlan-aware yes
bridge-vids 2-4094
On the managed switch, the ISP modem is connected to port 4
Proxmox is connected to port 8
VLAN 1 is untagged on 1-3,5-8 (all except port with ISP modem)
VLAN 100 is tagged on port 8 (Proxmox) and untagged on port 4 (ISP modem)
All containers/VMs use vmbr0 with VLAN tag 1 fine and working.
The pfsense container got two network devices:
net0: bridge=vmbr0,firewall=1,tag=1 --> lan, em0 interface to pfsense
net1: brdige=vmbr0,tag=100 -> wan,em1 interface to pfsense
But the problem is, that pfsense cannot obtain a DHCP lease from the WAN interface via the modem. The modem itself is tested and working. Could someone help me figure this out? Any help is appreciated.