Old Live migration

vitor costa

Renowned Member
Oct 28, 2009
In 1.4 the new live migration to KVm works only with shared storage. The old live migration with rsync , freeze, rsync will no more possible ? Products like Hyper-V have various migrations options with diferents down times to diferents configurations... Maybe Proxmox can resurect this procedure to live migrate local estorage vms.

The openvz containeres still not suported in shared storage ? if so the live migration is not possivle right ? I know in 1.3 not working anyway....
In 1.4 the new live migration to KVm works only with shared storage. The old live migration with rsync , freeze, rsync will no more possible ? Products like Hyper-V have various migrations options with diferents down times to diferents configurations... Maybe Proxmox can resurect this procedure to live migrate local estorage vms.

Sure. Someone needs to implement it (low priority for us).

The openvz containeres still not suported in shared storage ? if so the live migration is not possivle right ? I know in 1.3 not working anyway....

live migration work quite well with openvz (besides some bugs in the openvz kernel).
Sure. Someone needs to implement it (low priority for us).

live migration work quite well with openvz (besides some bugs in the openvz kernel).

Its awesone!!! In the betas the shared storage no working to vz, right ? And in interview from Martin (to Montana) apear its not possible due lack support from OpenVz team... you guys alone resolve this ?
Its awesone!!! In the betas the shared storage no working to vz, right ? And in interview from Martin (to Montana) apear its not possible due lack support from OpenVz team... you guys alone resolve this ?

I guess you missunderstood something. I said live migration works. I did not say that you can use shared storage with openvz (live migration for openvz works without shared storage using 2 phase rsync).
I guess you missunderstood something. I said live migration works. I did not say that you can use shared storage with openvz (live migration for openvz works without shared storage using 2 phase rsync).

I see....

I Try now to migrate a VM-VZ. I create a new one, CentOS template and receveive this:

/usr/sbin/vzmigrate --online 106
Starting online migration of CT 106 to
Preparing remote node
Initializing remote quota
Running: /usr/sbin/vzquota init 106 -b 8388608 -B 9227468 -i 1600000 -I 1760000 -p /var/lib/vz/private/106 -e 0 -n 0 -s 0
Running: /usr/sbin/vzquota show 106
Running: /usr/sbin/vzquota on 106 -r 0 -b 8388608 -B 9227468 -i 1600000 -I 1760000 -e 0 -n 0 -s 0
Syncing private
Live migrating container...
Error: Failed to dump container
VM 106 migration failed -

Then i create another one with Ubuntu template... same result...

Some months i see you talk about the openvz kernel problens.. the migration work ok in 2.6.18.... and so...

In what situations vz live migration works in PVE ? (i never see its happen, i tried 1.3 with same results)
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