[SOLVED] Offline migration between 2 lvm-thins

Ivan Gersi

Renowned Member
May 29, 2016
I have 2 nodes cluster and I want to upgrade it from 4 to 6 (remotely).
I`v migrated (via backup,&restore and 3rd NFS storage) all VM and upgrade node1 from 4 to 5 and later to 6.
Now I`d like move all VMs from node2 to node1 but several machines are in 'testing" and I have to move its offline.
Is there any way to migrate via qm migrate offline machine? The huge problem is I have 2 lvm-thin storages in both nodes so migration is between 2 lvm-thins.
Ok I can do it via NFS and backup&restore but qm migrate is faster. I could see it via ssh and dd too, but I`d like to use qm migrate.
qm migrate 112 dell --targetstorage local-lvm
400 Parameter verification failed.
targetstorage: Live storage migration can only be done online.
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you have to use the operator
"--with-local-disks <boolean>
Enable live storage migration for local disk"