Official sollution for SWAP in PM 5.* and ZFS?

Mailinglists, I have tried setting swap use to a minimum (swappiness at zero) and in fact crashes became less frequent, but did not go away completely. I will now try to limit ARC max to 4 GB (on a 16 GB ram, 2 TB hard disk server with just 3 small VMs on) and I hope to get back some RAM to run a fourth VM while not making the server become painfully slow.
Or you could move swap away from ZVOLS for SWAP. If you have space, create a a SW RAID with madadm or LVM2 mirror.

Also you can calculate your RAM usage. RAM for VMs + ARC MAX + 2 GB should be less than 16 GB and it will not crash anymore.
That's how I calcuate for my hosts. 2 GB is for PM host, but i think you could get away with 1 GB for host also.
I don't have space for swap because I have set up PVE with its installer, and it leaves no space available. I have just now set ARC cache to 4 GB max on a 16 GB machine, and I should have more or less 5 GB free (considering the VMs and the ARC). I will now see how it works. I have set swappiness to 0.
Well, if you have no space anywhere for new SWAP partitions, you could always completely disable SWAP (swapoff -a, comment out entr in fstab).

But you basically stole my forum topic. :-) Please open a new one, if required later.