numa and cpu pinning


New Member
Jan 3, 2020

i am trying to pin cpus to a numa node but find it difficult to understand why it is not working, i have the impression it is a bug, maybe someone can enlighten me with the issue i have.

These are my findings at the moment:

hugepages: 1024
kvm: -numa node,nodeid=1,cpus=8-11,memdev=ram-node1: CPU index (8) should be smaller than maxcpus (4)

start failed: hugepage allocation failed at /usr/share/perl5/PVE/QemuServer/ line 541.

numa1 :cpus=8-11,hostnodes=1,memory=4096,policy=bind
#hugepages :1024
starts with no issues

numa1: cpus=8-11,hostnodes=1,memory=4096,policy=bind
#hugepages: 1024
kvm: -numa node,nodeid=1,cpus=8-11,memdev=ram-node1: CPU index (8) should be smaller than maxcpus (4)

#hugepages: 1024
kvm: -numa node,nodeid=1,cpus=8-11,memdev=ram-node1: CPU index (8) should be smaller than maxcpus (4)

numa1 :cpus=8-11,hostnodes=1,memory=4096,policy=bind
hugepages :1024
no error

numa1: cpus=8-11,hostnodes=1,memory=4096,policy=bind
#hugepages: 1024
kvm: -numa node,nodeid=1,cpus=8-11,memdev=ram-node1: CPU index (8) should be smaller than maxcpus (4)

numa1: cpus=8-11,hostnodes=1,memory=4096,policy=bind
hugepages: 1024
will give errror with the hugepages

numa1: cpus=8-11, hostnodes=1, memory=4096, policy=bind
#hugepages: 1024
Give me the following error:
vm 101 - unable to parse value of 'numa1' - format error
policy: property is not defined in schema and the schema does not allow additional properties
hostnodes: property is not defined in schema and the schema does not allow additional properties
memory: property is not defined in schema and the schema does not allow additional properties
vm 101 - unable to parse value of 'numa1' - format error
hostnodes: property is not defined in schema and the schema does not allow additional properties
memory: property is not defined in schema and the schema does not allow additional properties
policy: property is not defined in schema and the schema does not allow additional properties

Can someone advise me how the config should look like ?

the cpus you give in the config are the ones from the vm, not the host
you can only bind the cores to a numa node of the host, not specific cores with that feature
When i assign 4 cores to the vm, it will be automatically 0 1 2 3.

For me it doesnt make any sense why i would want or need to specify that again in the numa config.
Will cpu pinning be supported in the future? Would be nice if it would be able to pin those through the gui...

Now i have a duel socket ibm 3650 m4bd server with only 16GB.

I notice the vms go slower over time and when i use numastat i can see node misses. I also get a log irq took to long or something like that, not behind the computer at this moment
When i assign 4 cores to the vm, it will be automatically 0 1 2 3.

For me it doesnt make any sense why i would want or need to specify that again in the numa config.
please read my post and the docs[0] again

with the numa config you specify a numaX config
there will be a virtual numa node in the guest and you have to specify:
* the guest cores belonging to the virtual numa node
* the host numa node to bind to
* the amount of memory belonging to that numa node


a good config would be to have as much cores in the vm as a single numa node on the host
and assign it to a numa node

or simply replicate the numa config from the host
(e.g. if your host hast 2 numa nodes, create a vm with 2 sockets and 2 numa nodes)

if the guest is then numa aware, there should not be any node misses