noVNC keyboard not working on chrome


Feb 9, 2020
Proxmox v. 6.2-10,
Chrome Version 84.0.4147.125 (Official build) (64 bit),
Mac OS X - 10.15.6

With this configuration, noVNC keyboard input does not work.

Verified working on chromium v. 86.0.4231.0 (Build) (x86_64)

Could you take a look?
With this configuration, noVNC keyboard input does not work.
what exactly does not work? do you get any keystrokes at all? can you check the javascript console for any errors?
I had the same. There were no obvious errors in the JavaScript console it's just that Chrome seemed to be intercepting the keypresses instead of passing them to the VNC session. For example, pressing the 'r' key caused the page to reload instead of typing the letter into the console.

It turned out that it was caused by a Chrome extension I installed called Vimium that's meant to add additional keyboard shortcuts to the browser.