Not Getting PVE 7.3 Update Notifications


Apr 16, 2021
I’m using PVE 7.3-6. I am getting email notifications from backup jobs but NOT when package updates are available. Under Datacenter>Users>root@pam, I have entered my gmail email account. The same email account is used in Datacenter>Backups>jobs>Send email to.

I am having the same issue with PBS 2.3. Any ideas on why I am not getting the notifications of new packages available?
if you have no subscription, did you configure the Package Updates setting in Datacenter > Options > Notify to Always?

From man datacenter.cfg:
notify: package-updates=<auto|always|never>
           Cluster-wide notification settings.

           package-updates=<always | auto | never> (default = auto)
               Control how often the daily update job should send out notification mails:

               •   auto daily for systems with a valid subscription, as those are assumed to be production-ready and thus should know about pending updates.

               •   always every update, if there are new pending updates.

               •   never never send a notification for new pending updates.

EDIT: AFAIK, it's not currently possible with PBS (it behaves like the auto here). You might want to create a feature request akin to this one, but for PBS:
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