Node IP Änderung


Renowned Member
Nov 3, 2013
Ich habe gesamt 4 Nodes.

Node-3 muss in ein anderes Subnet. (ich benutze nur lokale Storages).
Auf einem Node habe ich nun die IP (alt:, neu: geändert, dabei habe ich.

1. Die IP per Webif am Node-3 geändert, sieht dann so aus
root@px3 ~ > cat /etc/network/interfaces
# network interface settings; autogenerated
# Please do NOT modify this file directly, unless you know what
# you're doing.
# If you want to manage part of the network configuration manually,
# please utilize the 'source' or 'source-directory' directives to do
# so.
# PVE will preserve these directives, but will NOT its network
# configuration from sourced files, so do not attempt to move any of
# the PVE managed interfaces into external files!

auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

iface eth0 inet manual

auto vmbr0
iface vmbr0 inet static
        bridge-ports eth0
        bridge-stp off
        bridge-fd 0

2. /etc/hosts angepasst:
root@px3 ~ > cat /etc/hosts       localhost px3

# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts
::1     localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters

3. Node runtergefahren
4. VLAN am Switch angepasst
5. Node gestartet

Netzwerktechnisch ist alles OK, erreichbar.

Die Datei /etc/pve/corosync.conf habe ich NICHT angepasst. (hier steht nur die IP von Node1 darin).
root@px1 / > cat /etc/pve/corosync.conf
logging {
  debug: off
  to_syslog: yes

nodelist {
  node {
    name: px1
    nodeid: 1
    quorum_votes: 1
    ring0_addr: px1
  node {
    name: px2
    nodeid: 2
    quorum_votes: 1
    ring0_addr: px2
  node {
    name: px3
    nodeid: 3
    quorum_votes: 1
    ring0_addr: px3
  node {
    name: px4
    nodeid: 4
    quorum_votes: 1
    ring0_addr: px4

quorum {
  provider: corosync_votequorum

totem {
  cluster_name: Proxmox
  config_version: 14
  interface {
    ringnumber: 0
  ip_version: ipv4
  secauth: on
  version: 2

Am Node 3 sehe ich folgendes im LOG:
Jan  4 14:04:00 px3 systemd[1]: Starting Proxmox VE replication runner...
Jan  4 14:04:00 px3 pvesr[19482]: trying to acquire cfs lock 'file-replication_cfg' ...
Jan  4 14:04:01 px3 pvesr[19482]: trying to acquire cfs lock 'file-replication_cfg' ...
Jan  4 14:04:02 px3 pvesr[19482]: trying to acquire cfs lock 'file-replication_cfg' ...
Jan  4 14:04:03 px3 pvesr[19482]: trying to acquire cfs lock 'file-replication_cfg' ...
Jan  4 14:04:04 px3 pvesr[19482]: trying to acquire cfs lock 'file-replication_cfg' ...
Jan  4 14:04:05 px3 pvesr[19482]: trying to acquire cfs lock 'file-replication_cfg' ...
Jan  4 14:04:06 px3 pvesr[19482]: trying to acquire cfs lock 'file-replication_cfg' ...
Jan  4 14:04:07 px3 pvesr[19482]: trying to acquire cfs lock 'file-replication_cfg' ...
Jan  4 14:04:08 px3 pvesr[19482]: trying to acquire cfs lock 'file-replication_cfg' ...
Jan  4 14:04:09 px3 pvesr[19482]: error with cfs lock 'file-replication_cfg': no quorum!
Jan  4 14:04:09 px3 systemd[1]: pvesr.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=13/n/a
Jan  4 14:04:09 px3 systemd[1]: Failed to start Proxmox VE replication runner.
Jan  4 14:04:09 px3 systemd[1]: pvesr.service: Unit entered failed state.
Jan  4 14:04:09 px3 systemd[1]: pvesr.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.

Kann ich noch andere hilfreiche Logs liefern ?
Danke für Tips.
root@px1 / > pvecm status
Quorum information
Date:             Fri Jan  4 14:33:27 2019
Quorum provider:  corosync_votequorum
Nodes:            3
Node ID:          0x00000001
Ring ID:          1/18108
Quorate:          Yes

Votequorum information
Expected votes:   4
Highest expected: 4
Total votes:      3
Quorum:           3
Flags:            Quorate

Membership information
    Nodeid      Votes Name
0x00000001          1 (local)
0x00000002          1
0x00000004          1

root@px3 /etc/init.d > pvecm status
Quorum information
Date:             Fri Jan  4 14:33:44 2019
Quorum provider:  corosync_votequorum
Nodes:            1
Node ID:          0x00000003
Ring ID:          3/20
Quorate:          No

Votequorum information
Expected votes:   4
Highest expected: 4
Total votes:      1
Quorum:           3 Activity blocked

Membership information
    Nodeid      Votes Name
0x00000003          1 (local)
Hm - ich glaube, das wird mit unserem Clusterstack nicht gehen - einen corosync ring haben, bei dem die nodes in unterschiedlichen IP-Netzen sind....:

* die bindnetaddr in der totem section in corosync.conf sagt corosync auf welches interface es lauschen soll - und px3 hat keine ip in
* PVE kopiert die /etc/corosync/corosync.conf immer aus /etc/pve/corosync.conf, damit sie clusterweit ident ist -sprich es geht auch nicht sie lokal zu modifizieren

* Was loggt corosync ? (journalctl -u corosync.service)
* Läuft corosync überhaupt?

Es wird aber ohnehin sehr empfohlen das corosync netz auf ein eigenes interface zu legen - das wäre die sauberste Lösung:
Hallo vielen Dank für die Hilfe.
Bei 2 Nodes fehlte in /etc/hosts der "pvelocalhost", habe ich nun korrigiert.

Ich habe nun px1 und px3 neugestartet.
Auszug aus dem Journal nach "reboot" von px1 und px3:

Jan 04 15:01:38 px1 systemd[1]: Starting Corosync Cluster Engine...
Jan 04 15:01:38 px1 corosync[1480]:  [MAIN  ] Corosync Cluster Engine ('2.4.4-dirty'): started and ready to provide service.
Jan 04 15:01:38 px1 corosync[1480]: notice  [MAIN  ] Corosync Cluster Engine ('2.4.4-dirty'): started and ready to provide service.
Jan 04 15:01:38 px1 corosync[1480]:  [MAIN  ] Corosync built-in features: dbus rdma monitoring watchdog systemd xmlconf qdevices qnetd snmp pie relro bindnow
Jan 04 15:01:38 px1 corosync[1480]: info    [MAIN  ] Corosync built-in features: dbus rdma monitoring watchdog systemd xmlconf qdevices qnetd snmp pie relro bindnow
Jan 04 15:01:43 px1 corosync[1480]:  [MAIN  ] interface section bindnetaddr is used together with nodelist. Nodelist one is going to be used.
Jan 04 15:01:43 px1 corosync[1480]: warning [MAIN  ] interface section bindnetaddr is used together with nodelist. Nodelist one is going to be used.
Jan 04 15:01:43 px1 corosync[1480]: warning [MAIN  ] Please migrate config file to nodelist.
Jan 04 15:01:43 px1 corosync[1480]:  [MAIN  ] Please migrate config file to nodelist.
Jan 04 15:01:43 px1 corosync[1480]: notice  [TOTEM ] Initializing transport (UDP/IP Multicast).
Jan 04 15:01:43 px1 corosync[1480]: notice  [TOTEM ] Initializing transmit/receive security (NSS) crypto: aes256 hash: sha1
Jan 04 15:01:43 px1 corosync[1480]:  [TOTEM ] Initializing transport (UDP/IP Multicast).
Jan 04 15:01:43 px1 corosync[1480]:  [TOTEM ] Initializing transmit/receive security (NSS) crypto: aes256 hash: sha1
Jan 04 15:01:43 px1 corosync[1480]: notice  [TOTEM ] The network interface [] is now up.
Jan 04 15:01:43 px1 corosync[1480]:  [TOTEM ] The network interface [] is now up.
Jan 04 15:01:43 px1 corosync[1480]: notice  [SERV  ] Service engine loaded: corosync configuration map access [0]
Jan 04 15:01:43 px1 corosync[1480]: info    [QB    ] server name: cmap
Jan 04 15:01:43 px1 corosync[1480]: notice  [SERV  ] Service engine loaded: corosync configuration service [1]
Jan 04 15:01:43 px1 corosync[1480]: info    [QB    ] server name: cfg
Jan 04 15:01:43 px1 corosync[1480]: notice  [SERV  ] Service engine loaded: corosync cluster closed process group service v1.01 [2]
Jan 04 15:01:43 px1 corosync[1480]: info    [QB    ] server name: cpg
Jan 04 15:01:43 px1 corosync[1480]: notice  [SERV  ] Service engine loaded: corosync profile loading service [4]
Jan 04 15:01:43 px1 corosync[1480]:  [SERV  ] Service engine loaded: corosync configuration map access [0]
Jan 04 15:01:43 px1 corosync[1480]: notice  [SERV  ] Service engine loaded: corosync resource monitoring service [6]
Jan 04 15:01:43 px1 corosync[1480]: warning [WD    ] Watchdog not enabled by configuration
Jan 04 15:01:43 px1 corosync[1480]: warning [WD    ] resource load_15min missing a recovery key.
Jan 04 15:01:43 px1 corosync[1480]: warning [WD    ] resource memory_used missing a recovery key.
Jan 04 15:01:43 px1 corosync[1480]: info    [WD    ] no resources configured.
Jan 04 15:01:43 px1 corosync[1480]: notice  [SERV  ] Service engine loaded: corosync watchdog service [7]
Jan 04 15:01:43 px1 corosync[1480]: notice  [QUORUM] Using quorum provider corosync_votequorum
Jan 04 15:01:43 px1 corosync[1480]: notice  [SERV  ] Service engine loaded: corosync vote quorum service v1.0 [5]
Jan 04 15:01:43 px1 corosync[1480]: info    [QB    ] server name: votequorum
Jan 04 15:01:43 px1 corosync[1480]: notice  [SERV  ] Service engine loaded: corosync cluster quorum service v0.1 [3]
Jan 04 15:01:43 px1 corosync[1480]: info    [QB    ] server name: quorum
Jan 04 15:01:43 px1 corosync[1480]:  [QB    ] server name: cmap
Jan 04 15:01:43 px1 systemd[1]: Started Corosync Cluster Engine.
Jan 04 15:01:43 px1 corosync[1480]: notice  [TOTEM ] A new membership ( was formed. Members joined: 1
Jan 04 15:01:43 px1 corosync[1480]: warning [TOTEM ] Discarding JOIN message during flush, nodeid=2
Jan 04 15:01:43 px1 corosync[1480]: warning [TOTEM ] Discarding JOIN message during flush, nodeid=4
Jan 04 15:01:43 px1 corosync[1480]: warning [CPG   ] downlist left_list: 0 received
Jan 04 15:01:43 px1 corosync[1480]: notice  [QUORUM] Members[1]: 1
Jan 04 15:01:43 px1 corosync[1480]: notice  [MAIN  ] Completed service synchronization, ready to provide service.
Jan 04 15:01:43 px1 corosync[1480]:  [SERV  ] Service engine loaded: corosync configuration service [1]
Jan 04 15:01:43 px1 corosync[1480]:  [QB    ] server name: cfg
Jan 04 15:01:43 px1 corosync[1480]:  [SERV  ] Service engine loaded: corosync cluster closed process group service v1.01 [2]
Jan 04 15:01:43 px1 corosync[1480]:  [QB    ] server name: cpg
Jan 04 15:01:43 px1 corosync[1480]:  [SERV  ] Service engine loaded: corosync profile loading service [4]
Jan 04 15:01:43 px1 corosync[1480]:  [SERV  ] Service engine loaded: corosync resource monitoring service [6]
Jan 04 15:01:43 px1 corosync[1480]:  [WD    ] Watchdog not enabled by configuration
Jan 04 15:01:43 px1 corosync[1480]:  [WD    ] resource load_15min missing a recovery key.
Jan 04 15:01:43 px1 corosync[1480]:  [WD    ] resource memory_used missing a recovery key.
Jan 04 15:01:43 px1 corosync[1480]:  [WD    ] no resources configured.
Jan 04 15:01:43 px1 corosync[1480]:  [SERV  ] Service engine loaded: corosync watchdog service [7]
Jan 04 15:01:43 px1 corosync[1480]:  [QUORUM] Using quorum provider corosync_votequorum
Jan 04 15:01:43 px1 corosync[1480]:  [SERV  ] Service engine loaded: corosync vote quorum service v1.0 [5]
Jan 04 15:01:43 px1 corosync[1480]:  [QB    ] server name: votequorum
Jan 04 15:01:43 px1 corosync[1480]:  [SERV  ] Service engine loaded: corosync cluster quorum service v0.1 [3]
Jan 04 15:01:43 px1 corosync[1480]:  [QB    ] server name: quorum
Jan 04 15:01:43 px1 corosync[1480]:  [TOTEM ] A new membership ( was formed. Members joined: 1
Jan 04 15:01:43 px1 corosync[1480]:  [TOTEM ] Discarding JOIN message during flush, nodeid=2
Jan 04 15:01:43 px1 corosync[1480]:  [TOTEM ] Discarding JOIN message during flush, nodeid=4
Jan 04 15:01:43 px1 corosync[1480]:  [CPG   ] downlist left_list: 0 received
Jan 04 15:01:43 px1 corosync[1480]:  [QUORUM] Members[1]: 1
Jan 04 15:01:43 px1 corosync[1480]:  [MAIN  ] Completed service synchronization, ready to provide service.
Jan 04 15:01:43 px1 corosync[1480]: notice  [TOTEM ] A new membership ( was formed. Members joined: 2 4
Jan 04 15:01:43 px1 corosync[1480]:  [TOTEM ] A new membership ( was formed. Members joined: 2 4
Jan 04 15:01:43 px1 corosync[1480]: warning [CPG   ] downlist left_list: 0 received
Jan 04 15:01:43 px1 corosync[1480]:  [CPG   ] downlist left_list: 0 received
Jan 04 15:01:43 px1 corosync[1480]: warning [CPG   ] downlist left_list: 0 received
Jan 04 15:01:43 px1 corosync[1480]:  [CPG   ] downlist left_list: 0 received
Jan 04 15:01:43 px1 corosync[1480]: warning [CPG   ] downlist left_list: 0 received
Jan 04 15:01:43 px1 corosync[1480]:  [CPG   ] downlist left_list: 0 received
Jan 04 15:01:43 px1 corosync[1480]: notice  [QUORUM] This node is within the primary component and will provide service.
Jan 04 15:01:43 px1 corosync[1480]: notice  [QUORUM] Members[3]: 1 2 4
Jan 04 15:01:43 px1 corosync[1480]: notice  [MAIN  ] Completed service synchronization, ready to provide service.
Jan 04 15:01:43 px1 corosync[1480]:  [QUORUM] This node is within the primary component and will provide service.
Jan 04 15:01:43 px1 corosync[1480]:  [QUORUM] Members[3]: 1 2 4
Jan 04 15:01:43 px1 corosync[1480]:  [MAIN  ] Completed service synchronization, ready to provide service.

-- Reboot --
Jan 04 15:03:33 px3 systemd[1]: Starting Corosync Cluster Engine...
Jan 04 15:03:33 px3 corosync[1193]:  [MAIN  ] Corosync Cluster Engine ('2.4.4-dirty'): started and ready to provide service.
Jan 04 15:03:33 px3 corosync[1193]: notice  [MAIN  ] Corosync Cluster Engine ('2.4.4-dirty'): started and ready to provide service.
Jan 04 15:03:33 px3 corosync[1193]:  [MAIN  ] Corosync built-in features: dbus rdma monitoring watchdog systemd xmlconf qdevices qnetd snmp pie relro bindnow
Jan 04 15:03:33 px3 corosync[1193]: info    [MAIN  ] Corosync built-in features: dbus rdma monitoring watchdog systemd xmlconf qdevices qnetd snmp pie relro bindnow
Jan 04 15:03:34 px3 corosync[1193]:  [MAIN  ] interface section bindnetaddr is used together with nodelist. Nodelist one is going to be used.
Jan 04 15:03:34 px3 corosync[1193]: warning [MAIN  ] interface section bindnetaddr is used together with nodelist. Nodelist one is going to be used.
Jan 04 15:03:34 px3 corosync[1193]: warning [MAIN  ] Please migrate config file to nodelist.
Jan 04 15:03:34 px3 corosync[1193]:  [MAIN  ] Please migrate config file to nodelist.
Jan 04 15:03:34 px3 corosync[1193]: notice  [TOTEM ] Initializing transport (UDP/IP Multicast).
Jan 04 15:03:34 px3 corosync[1193]: notice  [TOTEM ] Initializing transmit/receive security (NSS) crypto: aes256 hash: sha1
Jan 04 15:03:34 px3 corosync[1193]:  [TOTEM ] Initializing transport (UDP/IP Multicast).
Jan 04 15:03:34 px3 corosync[1193]:  [TOTEM ] Initializing transmit/receive security (NSS) crypto: aes256 hash: sha1
Jan 04 15:03:34 px3 corosync[1193]: notice  [TOTEM ] The network interface [] is now up.
Jan 04 15:03:34 px3 corosync[1193]: notice  [SERV  ] Service engine loaded: corosync configuration map access [0]
Jan 04 15:03:34 px3 corosync[1193]: info    [QB    ] server name: cmap
Jan 04 15:03:34 px3 corosync[1193]: notice  [SERV  ] Service engine loaded: corosync configuration service [1]
Jan 04 15:03:34 px3 corosync[1193]: info    [QB    ] server name: cfg
Jan 04 15:03:34 px3 corosync[1193]:  [TOTEM ] The network interface [] is now up.
Jan 04 15:03:34 px3 corosync[1193]: notice  [SERV  ] Service engine loaded: corosync cluster closed process group service v1.01 [2]
Jan 04 15:03:34 px3 corosync[1193]: info    [QB    ] server name: cpg
Jan 04 15:03:34 px3 corosync[1193]: notice  [SERV  ] Service engine loaded: corosync profile loading service [4]
Jan 04 15:03:34 px3 corosync[1193]: notice  [SERV  ] Service engine loaded: corosync resource monitoring service [6]
Jan 04 15:03:34 px3 corosync[1193]: warning [WD    ] Watchdog not enabled by configuration
Jan 04 15:03:34 px3 corosync[1193]: warning [WD    ] resource load_15min missing a recovery key.
Jan 04 15:03:34 px3 corosync[1193]: warning [WD    ] resource memory_used missing a recovery key.
Jan 04 15:03:34 px3 corosync[1193]: info    [WD    ] no resources configured.
Jan 04 15:03:34 px3 corosync[1193]: notice  [SERV  ] Service engine loaded: corosync watchdog service [7]
Jan 04 15:03:34 px3 corosync[1193]: notice  [QUORUM] Using quorum provider corosync_votequorum
Jan 04 15:03:34 px3 corosync[1193]: notice  [SERV  ] Service engine loaded: corosync vote quorum service v1.0 [5]
Jan 04 15:03:34 px3 corosync[1193]: info    [QB    ] server name: votequorum
Jan 04 15:03:34 px3 corosync[1193]: notice  [SERV  ] Service engine loaded: corosync cluster quorum service v0.1 [3]
Jan 04 15:03:34 px3 corosync[1193]: info    [QB    ] server name: quorum
Jan 04 15:03:34 px3 corosync[1193]:  [SERV  ] Service engine loaded: corosync configuration map access [0]
Jan 04 15:03:34 px3 corosync[1193]: notice  [TOTEM ] A new membership ( was formed. Members joined: 3
Jan 04 15:03:34 px3 corosync[1193]: warning [CPG   ] downlist left_list: 0 received
Jan 04 15:03:34 px3 corosync[1193]: notice  [QUORUM] Members[1]: 3
Jan 04 15:03:34 px3 corosync[1193]: notice  [MAIN  ] Completed service synchronization, ready to provide service.
Jan 04 15:03:34 px3 systemd[1]: Started Corosync Cluster Engine.
Jan 04 15:03:34 px3 corosync[1193]:  [QB    ] server name: cmap
Jan 04 15:03:34 px3 corosync[1193]:  [SERV  ] Service engine loaded: corosync configuration service [1]
Jan 04 15:03:34 px3 corosync[1193]:  [QB    ] server name: cfg
Jan 04 15:03:34 px3 corosync[1193]:  [SERV  ] Service engine loaded: corosync cluster closed process group service v1.01 [2]
Jan 04 15:03:34 px3 corosync[1193]:  [QB    ] server name: cpg
Jan 04 15:03:34 px3 corosync[1193]:  [SERV  ] Service engine loaded: corosync profile loading service [4]
Jan 04 15:03:34 px3 corosync[1193]:  [SERV  ] Service engine loaded: corosync resource monitoring service [6]
Jan 04 15:03:34 px3 corosync[1193]:  [WD    ] Watchdog not enabled by configuration
Jan 04 15:03:34 px3 corosync[1193]:  [WD    ] resource load_15min missing a recovery key.
Jan 04 15:03:34 px3 corosync[1193]:  [WD    ] resource memory_used missing a recovery key.
Jan 04 15:03:34 px3 corosync[1193]:  [WD    ] no resources configured.
Jan 04 15:03:34 px3 corosync[1193]:  [SERV  ] Service engine loaded: corosync watchdog service [7]
Jan 04 15:03:34 px3 corosync[1193]:  [QUORUM] Using quorum provider corosync_votequorum
Jan 04 15:03:34 px3 corosync[1193]:  [SERV  ] Service engine loaded: corosync vote quorum service v1.0 [5]
Jan 04 15:03:34 px3 corosync[1193]:  [QB    ] server name: votequorum
Jan 04 15:03:34 px3 corosync[1193]:  [SERV  ] Service engine loaded: corosync cluster quorum service v0.1 [3]
Jan 04 15:03:34 px3 corosync[1193]:  [QB    ] server name: quorum
Jan 04 15:03:34 px3 corosync[1193]:  [TOTEM ] A new membership ( was formed. Members joined: 3
Jan 04 15:03:34 px3 corosync[1193]:  [CPG   ] downlist left_list: 0 received
Jan 04 15:03:34 px3 corosync[1193]:  [QUORUM] Members[1]: 3
Jan 04 15:03:34 px3 corosync[1193]:  [MAIN  ] Completed service synchronization, ready to provide service.

Ich plane im späteren Netzwerkumbau ein separates Server-Subnet.
Falls das so nicht klappt müsste ich px3 wieder in das alte Netzwerk verschieben..
Hm - zumindest startet corosync auf px3 mal!

Dann wuerde ich mal nachschauen ob die multicast-pakete überhaupt über den router kommen -
die dort beschriebenen `omping` commandos auf allen cluster-servern gleichzeitig ausführen - und bitte den output posten.
soweit ich das kenne muss beim Switch/Router einiges konfiguriert werden, damit multicast über ein Netz hinaus geroutet wird.
Vielen Dank, das ist es:

omping -c 10000 -i 0.001 -F -q px1 px3
px3 : waiting for response msg
px3 : joined (S,G) = (*,, pinging
px3 : given amount of query messages was sent

px3 :   unicast, xmt/rcv/%loss = 10000/10000/0%, min/avg/max/std-dev = 0.166/0.275/1.085/0.030
px3 : multicast, xmt/rcv/%loss = 10000/0/100%, min/avg/max/std-dev = 0.000/0.000/0.000/0.000

Dazwischen sind 3 managed TP-Link Switche. Auf diesen habe ich Multicast nun aktiviert und sehe auch die Pakete.
Ich denke es liegt nun noch an der pfsense dazwischen, hier habe ich Rules mit ipv4* und Protocoll any in beide Richtungen.
Scheint jedoch noch zuwenig zu sein, mir ist hier nicht klar ob ich hier noch avahi oder igmp-proxy benötige.

Ich denke ich werde es auf andere Art lösen.
Zurück in das alte Netz mit dem Node-3, dann werde ich diesen Node aus dem Cluster entfernen und als Standalone betreiben.
Dürfte die bessere Lösung sein.
Klingt auf jeden Fall sauberer.
Einen Corosync-ring über mehrere Netze hätte ich noch nicht gesehen, und ist kein sonderlich weit verbreitetes (oder getestetes) Setup.


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