[SOLVED] node change


Renowned Member
Jan 31, 2012
hi all, i would change a old node to a new. i would use same name and ip adress for node. what are steps to make it.
only delete old node and add new node with same name?
i mean same name make problems on re-add.
any informations about this steps?
thanks and regards

i would change a old node to a new. i would use same name and ip adress for node. what are steps to make it.
is this node in a cluster?

if it's a cluster member:
* before deleting the node from the cluster you should migrate the guests away to other nodes
* after all the guests are migrated, you can delete the node from the cluster using the GUI or pvecm CLI tool (check out this section in our admin guide [0])
here you should pay attention to:
After removal of the node, its SSH fingerprint will still reside in the known_hosts of the other nodes. If you receive an SSH error after rejoining a node with the same IP or hostname, run pvecm updatecerts once on the re-added node to update its fingerprint cluster wide.
* once the node is deleted, you can reinstall the new PVE version on it and add it back into the cluster

hope this helps!

[0]: https://pve.proxmox.com/pve-docs/pve-admin-guide.html#_remove_a_cluster_node