After an upgrade Proxmox doesn't connect to the network anymore. I powered on the server, I get the usual welcome screen on the host ("Welcome to the Proxmox Virtual En....") where the IP is shown. But, my Router doesn't list the host under connected devices and the host is not reachable via ping nor I can ping the gateway from promox shell.
I'm attaching a screen shot of my /etc/network/interfaces
And the output of my ip a where my ethernet card enp0s31f6 is not showing.
Thank you very much for your help.
After an upgrade Proxmox doesn't connect to the network anymore. I powered on the server, I get the usual welcome screen on the host ("Welcome to the Proxmox Virtual En....") where the IP is shown. But, my Router doesn't list the host under connected devices and the host is not reachable via ping nor I can ping the gateway from promox shell.
I'm attaching a screen shot of my /etc/network/interfaces
And the output of my ip a where my ethernet card enp0s31f6 is not showing.
Thank you very much for your help.