I'm experimenting on two node cluster with drbd and lvm on top for vms.
I don't have a fencing device for the time so I'm using fence_manual and fence_ack_manual command to simulate fencing.Everything works as expected .The only difficulty I have is with failover domains. I have 5 HA vms. 3 of them running on node B and 2 running on Node A. When I reset node B and give "fence_ack_manual nodeB" from nodeA, the 3 vms located on nodeB are started on nodeA as expected.But when NodeB comes up, these 3 vms are not relocated back on nodeB as I wish to.I'm posting my cluster.conf:
thank you
I'm experimenting on two node cluster with drbd and lvm on top for vms.
I don't have a fencing device for the time so I'm using fence_manual and fence_ack_manual command to simulate fencing.Everything works as expected .The only difficulty I have is with failover domains. I have 5 HA vms. 3 of them running on node B and 2 running on Node A. When I reset node B and give "fence_ack_manual nodeB" from nodeA, the 3 vms located on nodeB are started on nodeA as expected.But when NodeB comes up, these 3 vms are not relocated back on nodeB as I wish to.I'm posting my cluster.conf:
<?xml version="1.0"?><cluster config_version="22" name="pvecluster">
<cman expected_votes="1" keyfile="/var/lib/pve-cluster/corosync.authkey" two_node="1"/>
<fencedevice agent="fence_manual" name="human"/>
<clusternode name="proxmox" nodeid="1" votes="1">
<method name="single">
<device name="human" nodename="proxmox"/>
<clusternode name="proxmox2" nodeid="2" votes="1">
<method name="single">
<device name="human" nodename="proxmox2"/>
<failoverdomain name="ordered" nofailback="0" ordered="0" restricted="1">
<failoverdomainnode name="proxmox" priority="1"/>
<failoverdomainnode name="proxmox2" priority="1"/>
<pvevm domain="ordered" autostart="1" vmid="111" recovery="relocate"/>
<pvevm domain="ordered" autostart="1" vmid="107" recovery="relocate"/>
<pvevm domain="ordered" autostart="1" vmid="108" recovery="relocate"/>
<pvevm domain="ordered" autostart="1" vmid="110" recovery="relocate"/>
<pvevm domain="ordered" autostart="1" vmid="112" recovery="relocate"/>
thank you