[SOLVED] NFS Share to VM


Apr 24, 2023
I'm very new to proxmox and experimenting with various things to get acclimated with the tool and I've hit a wall with setting up NFS share to my VM. I setup an Ubuntu server (20.04) in a VM, installed docker and setup plex through docker compose. I'd like to setup an NFS share to folder /home/dataninja/plex/media so I can access the media that's currently on my Qnap NAS.

  • Qnap NFS has been setup and the IP associated with the VM and Proxmox has been added (192.168.X.X)
  • showmount -e 192.168.X.X (Qnap IP) in the host and the VM shows the media folder available on my Qnap NAS
  • nfs-commons has been installed
my fstab looks like this where the uid/gid matches my Qnap ID and the ~/.smbcredentials houses my username and password

192.168.X.X:/media   /home/dataninja/plex/media   nfs credentials=/home/dataninja/.smbcredentials,uid=1001,gid=100,defaults   0   0

I keep getting the following error when running:

sudo mount -a
mount.nfs: an incorrect mount option was specified
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There seems to be a bit of a mix-up between NFS and CIFS/SMB:
  • credentials, uid and gid are options for mount.cifs, which is the tool for mounting CIFS and SMB shares.
  • But showmount shows mounts for NFS servers, and the third column of your /etc/fstab specifies a nfs filesystem type. This is why mount.nfs is executed and why it prints an error -- it doesn't understand the credentials, uid and gid mount options.
It sounds like your NAS might support both protocols, so you'd just need to decide for one of them and change the /etc/fstab accordingly. See e.g. [1] for more details on NFS and [2] for details on CIFS/SMB.

[1] https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/NFS#Client
[2] https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/samba#Client

There seems to be a bit of a mix-up between NFS and CIFS/SMB:
  • credentials, uid and gid are options for mount.cifs, which is the tool for mounting CIFS and SMB shares.
  • But showmount shows mounts for NFS servers, and the third column of your /etc/fstab specifies a nfs filesystem type. This is why mount.nfs is executed and why it prints an error -- it doesn't understand the credentials, uid and gid mount options.
It sounds like your NAS might support both protocols, so you'd just need to decide for one of them and change the /etc/fstab accordingly. See e.g. [1] for more details on NFS and [2] for details on CIFS/SMB.

[1] https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/NFS#Client
[2] https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/samba#Client
Thank you for the assistance and the links. They were helpful.

I was able to setup the NFS Share using and adjusted the /etc/fstab to match. As you mentioned I may have been using the combination of both which is why it wasn't working. I'm still confused why the following worked without and username or PW. I suppose because I set the permission of the NFS share on the Qnap side and specific to the IP of the VM.

sudo mount -t nfs 192.168.X.X:/Downloads /home/dataninja/plex/media