I thought PBS USe not root AS user . it is backup i think. U must define permission.
no root squash could also be a problem. https://serverfault.com/questions/2...d-nfs-partition-gives-operation-not-permitted
root@pve:/# ls -ld /mnt/pve/backups
drwxrw---- 3 0 0 3 Jun 6 17:44 /mnt/pve/backups
See link
root@pve:~# ls -ld /mnt/pve/backups
drwxrw---- 4 backup backup 5 Jun 6 20:52 /mnt/pve/backups
Hello, where did you change this options ? I'm facing the same proble, thanks!I've changed it from "(sec=sys,rw,anonuid=0,anongid=0,all_squash,no_subtree_check)" to "(sec=sys,rw,anonuid=0,anongid=0,no_root_squash,no_subtree_check)" and it worked!
Now when I check permissions this is what I get:
Code:root@pve:~# ls -ld /mnt/pve/backups drwxrw---- 4 backup backup 5 Jun 6 20:52 /mnt/pve/backups
Thank you!!!
PS - I don't understand why, but when I restart the NFS service it gets back to "all_squash"... but it's still working!
Shell or console into the TrueNAS server (I'm using CORE), file is /etc/exports, add the words (including parentheses) directly after the share you are trying to fix.Hello, where did you change this options ? I'm facing the same proble, thanks!