NFS Broken?


New Member
Jan 5, 2018

How long does Proxmox take to scan NFS storage? I've spent a few hours trying to mount some folders. I've followed quite a few tutorials which led me down a deep dark path of renaming folder structures in order to access my ISO files. This certainly can't be right. I've already changed the folder structures so I'll keep them the same since it only took me 10 seconds to remap both ESXi and Xen, but I'm having a hell of a time with this. They are listed under IP:/volume1/server/templates/ISO

Is it possible ProxMox is taking an insanely long time to scan the directories? The Synology box is relatively new. The ESXi and Xen hosts found the files immediately so I'm starting to wonder if it's a bug in this version?

If I REALLY need to dig into CLI in order to mount some folders, please help with the commands. At this point I'd rather just copy and paste because I'm basically 10 minutes away from nuking this installation and begging for forgiveness from VMware.

Thank you in advance
scanning should be near instant, unless you have an insane amount of isos in that folder and/or your access to NFS is broken/very very slow.

please post "pveversion -v" and your storage.cfg
Hi Fabian,
Thank you for the quick response.

I was gathering the information for you and realized I deleted the link last night to my Synology. I went back to create it and was copying the path when I realized Proxmox actually created these directories for me last night inside of the original path I created (IP:/volume1/server/template/iso). I didn't know Proxmox would create the extra folders inside of there.

I only have 6 ISO's so I know it wasn't a break anywhere with my equipment and my other hypervisors are working fine. I've heard so many good things about Proxmox that I decided to give it a try. Probably wasn't a good idea to install it at midnight when I only 3 hours of sleep the night before.

I think it might be a good idea to post in the instructions that Proxmox will create these folders in the "path you choose" and all you need to do is copy the ISO's to this directory. This would've saved a ton of time for me last night. Maybe there's updated instructions that Google didn't link me to but I couldn't find anything that said that.

Either way, thank you so much for replying. I think I'm good from here...They are showing in Prox now.