You may know `pmmaint` from our earlier posting here:
Yesterday, we released a new version. This version has a few improvements:
1: You can now empty more than one host in your cluster at once.
2: You can choose how you want to handle migration between hosts with different kinds of CPU. You can choose to ignore the fact that you have different kinds of CPU's (Intel vs AMD), allow only migrations between AMD <-> AMD or Intel <-> Intel, or require the exact same CPU's between nodes. We have seen issues between different versions of AMD EPYC CPU's, that why we introduced this.
3: Check if we have a HostPCI device before migration, and do not migrate these VM's.
4: There was an issue in the `restore` option, that stopped the restore if there was a VM that needed migration but could not meet the requirements of migrations. That stopped the entire restore-loop. We now warn you that you need te migrate that VM manually.
If you want to read the code, or create issues, see our repo here:
Yesterday, we released a new version. This version has a few improvements:
1: You can now empty more than one host in your cluster at once.
2: You can choose how you want to handle migration between hosts with different kinds of CPU. You can choose to ignore the fact that you have different kinds of CPU's (Intel vs AMD), allow only migrations between AMD <-> AMD or Intel <-> Intel, or require the exact same CPU's between nodes. We have seen issues between different versions of AMD EPYC CPU's, that why we introduced this.
3: Check if we have a HostPCI device before migration, and do not migrate these VM's.
4: There was an issue in the `restore` option, that stopped the restore if there was a VM that needed migration but could not meet the requirements of migrations. That stopped the entire restore-loop. We now warn you that you need te migrate that VM manually.
If you want to read the code, or create issues, see our repo here:
pmmaint --help
pmmaint snapshot [<name>] [options]
pmmaint list [options]
pmmaint list-nodes
pmmaint show <name> [options]
pmmaint empty <hostnames> [--max-workers=3] [--exclude=list_of_nodes] [--cpu-strictness=mode] [--dry-run] [options]
pmmaint restore <name> [--max-workers=3] [options]
pmmaint -h | --help
By default, we're using local (ssh) authentication. This is very slow! To use the HTTPS API,
please create the file /root/.pmmaintrc with the following contents:
api-name: PVE API Token Name (e.g. pmmaint)
api-key: PVE API Token Key (the uuid PVE returns to you)
You should create an API user with full Admin permissions on /, as a API-user for root@pam.
-h --help Show this screen
--verbose Show more output
--max-workers=3 The number of concurrent migrations [default: 3]
--force-local-storage Migrate, even with local storage [default: False]
--cpu-strictness=mode When matching host CPU's, be in mode: [default: loose]
* strict: Only migrate to machines with the exact same CPU model
* loose: Only migrate Intel to Intel and AMD to AMD
* none: Do not worry about anything, just migrate! (Pretty dangerous)
<name> Snapshot name
<hostnames> Commaseparated list of node hostnames that you want to empty