New to Proxmox, sysadmin in a small team, trying to get my cluster fixed


Dec 14, 2019
Hello everyone,
I’m trying out proxmox, and so far it’s a much better tool than what we had before for virtualization (a very old version of vmWare). Now however, im having a bit of trouble understanding the more complex things of Proxmox Cluster and id appreciate your input

Here’s my setup, with a very simple diagram
  • One “main” host, which was the very first proxmox host. Storage is two 2TB disks in ZFS RAID1. It has all the virtual machines.
  • One Host which should be the main backup host. Two 2TB disks in ZFS RAID1. No virtual machines yet. Some issues here are
  • ZFS doesn’t allow me to use the integrated Datacenter backup option. Maybe a better option would be to install something like BackupPc in a virtual machine inside this host
  • One Host which ahs nothing yet, where a third party will install some virtual machines for some centralized servers. Two 2TB Disks in ZFS RAID1
The three nodes are in a cluster. There is no central shared storage. Live migration and all the benefits of Proxmox worked quite well.
The only thing is, since I am quite new to the PVE world, the storage config is a little bit weird. Since the machines are completely separated, but are in a cluster, that gave me a bit of issues. Main issues are
  • No centralized backup solution.
  • ZFS Pool storage is not very clear yet (not much experience with ZFS)
  • I don’t understand if ZFS Pools are all shared in a cluster or not
I have attached my main config files, which are not very well done either.

I would be very happy if someone who has a bit more of knowledge could help me out. Good news is there is still some time to get this fixed right. If its necessary, I can destroy the cluster and start over again and do everything, as long as I don’t destroy the first host which has all the VMs


Hi, if your zfs is local on each node , it s not shared. But you only need to define it once at datacenter level . (Ans use same pool name for each local zfs ). Proxmox backup should works fine , even with local storage.
For the case of replication, HA, and making backups on a NFS, wouldnt all pool names need to be the same?

Shouldnt all they be "local-zfs" and "rpool/data"? And what about the nodes variable?

I'd like to modify storage.cnf and play around with it. Nothing can be truly broken or corrupted by modifying the .cnf file, right? At most it wouldnt find the disks