New Role for "VM.PowerMgmt" only


I read the Wiki, but have not used the command line tool, because only there you can see the command "roleadd" :(

Now i created a new Role:

pveum roleadd PVE_Power-only -privs "VM.PowerMgmt VM.Console"

But if I assign this role someone, there is no "Start, Stop, ...".
If the Rrole is assigned additionally "VM.Audit", "Start, Stop, ..." appears.
But that I would not, because it is then possible to edit the Hardware "CDROM" and "Harddisk".

I was curious, and maybe I'm blind, but I've read the wiki page and run "man pvenum" but I've not found mention of "roleadd" param, where did you find it?
But if I assign this role someone, there is no "Start, Stop, ...".
If the Rrole is assigned additionally "VM.Audit", "Start, Stop, ..." appears.
But that I would not, because it is then possible to edit the Hardware "CDROM" and "Harddisk".

Is this a Bug?
Ok I've just noticed that it is possible to open and modify CDROM and Disks Properties, but not to save them. Then it is ok.

But only "VM.PowerMgmt" does not work. But would it?