Network isolating virtual machines for testing?


New Member
Nov 23, 2022
I have an application server and a database server in production on physical machines.

I’m planning on doing to P2V and getting them moved over to Proxmox. But I need to do a lot of testing between the virtual application server and virtual database server before we put this into production.

I would like to not change anything about the virtual servers as far as IP addressing goes.

So I’m trying to figure out, is there a way to spin up these VMs, leave their IP addresses as is and do some testing between the two while somehow not being on the production network thus conflicting with the physical servers IP addresses?

Maybe assign the Proxmox nics to a vlan that is isolated from all other vlans? I’d love to hear any thoughts on how to do this.
There is also the "Disconnect" option for the virtual NICs. Edit the networkdevice(s) of your test VM, enable "Advanced" and put a checkmark at "Disconnect".

This is the same as "unplugging" this NIC from your Proxmox Bridge. You can disconnect and re-connect your VM while it is running.
There is also the "Disconnect" option for the virtual NICs. Edit the networkdevice(s) of your test VM, enable "Advanced" and put a checkmark at "Disconnect".

This is the same as "unplugging" this NIC from your Proxmox Bridge. You can disconnect and re-connect your VM while it is running.
I need to test the functionality between the app server and the database server. I think hitting the disconnect button basically disconnects the nic from the VM, so if I did that, the two VMs wouldn't be able to talk to each other unfortunately.