network bridge not se to default


New Member
Jun 8, 2024
when setting up VM, has anyone every got to the network tab, but the bridge box is empty and it will not let me set one. the box just stays red.
has anyone every got to the network tab, but the bridge box is empty

No, I never saw this. To get a better understanding of your problem give us some more information, like the copy-n-pasted output of some commands, run on the PVE host:

System information:
  • pveversion -v

Basic network information:
  • ip address show # currently active IP addresses on one NODE
  • cat /etc/network/interfaces # and/or ifquery -a for comparison from one NODE

Problematic VM:
  • export VMID=<the_ID_of_the_VM>; qm config --current true ${VMID} | tee /tmp/currentconfig && qm config --current false ${VMID} > /tmp/possiblypending && echo "Diff pending:"; diff /tmp/currentconfig /tmp/possiblypending # the configuration of that VM

Of course you may adjust or extend all the above commands to better fit the actual situation - they are just a first shot.

Oh, and please put each command in a separate [CODE]...[/CODE]-block for better readability.