No, I never saw this. To get a better understanding of your problem give us some more information, like the copy-n-pasted output of some commands, run on the PVE host:
System information:
pveversion -v
Basic network information:
ip address show # currently active IP addresses on one NODE
cat /etc/network/interfaces # and/or ifquery -a for comparison from one NODE
Problematic VM:
export VMID=<the_ID_of_the_VM>; qm config --current true ${VMID} | tee /tmp/currentconfig && qm config --current false ${VMID} > /tmp/possiblypending && echo "Diff pending:"; diff /tmp/currentconfig /tmp/possiblypending # the configuration of that VM
Of course you may adjust or extend all the above commands to better fit the actual situation - they are just a first shot.
Oh, and please put each command in a separate [CODE]...[/CODE]-block for better readability.