Network adapters distribution


New Member
May 6, 2022
Hello , im starting with proxmox after years working with vmware and still surprise all you cant get for free to be honest.
So i found a great tutorial here to install and boot pve from san since my servers only have sdcards for local storage, and now im setting up all, so my first bif questions is how should i distribute my phisical interfaces, my setup is : Dell compellent for shared storage with 4 paths (2 cable links going to 2 controllers per link), 10GB Switch with iscsi for storage and another 10GB switch for traffic with rj45. On my server 4 phisical adapters at 10GB each , the storage network which hast 2 phisical link assing and its conected to my storage iscsi switch complete isolated form everything else, and my lan network get the other 2 10G adapters conected to my lan switch.
So what should i do to use this resources in order to get cluster network, VMs Network, manage network working correctly. should i create brides? bonds ? use the 2 ports for storate , one for all LAN related and one for cluster just ike that or something else?