i have cirtical issue all my servers are supermicro with very nice specs the smallest one is dual quad core prossor x5470 my main issue they all come with intel / adaptec bulit in raid adapter none of them have been dedected by proxmox installtion
i have very bad issue with I/O we run lotus /domino production mail server
which handel around 300 mail account but this server is highly used my current x5570 dual prossor 16 core with ht and using normal sata drivers
is dieing because of i/o wait which reach around 30 to 50 %
i have another server with scsi 10 k drivers but as i said the intel raid adatper are all un dedected by proxmox installtion
please tell me how i can install the raid adatper or find a soultion since if i installed normal debian last version or centos 5.2 they dedect the raid adapter just fine
so it seems a kernel issue
i have cirtical issue all my servers are supermicro with very nice specs the smallest one is dual quad core prossor x5470 my main issue they all come with intel / adaptec bulit in raid adapter none of them have been dedected by proxmox installtion
i have very bad issue with I/O we run lotus /domino production mail server
which handel around 300 mail account but this server is highly used my current x5570 dual prossor 16 core with ht and using normal sata drivers
is dieing because of i/o wait which reach around 30 to 50 %
i have another server with scsi 10 k drivers but as i said the intel raid adatper are all un dedected by proxmox installtion
please tell me how i can install the raid adatper or find a soultion since if i installed normal debian last version or centos 5.2 they dedect the raid adapter just fine
so it seems a kernel issue