Need to upgrade Proxmox OS drive


Mar 1, 2022
My OS drive is a 120 GB SSD and is getting full. The VMs and CTs are on a separate NVME.

I Clonezilla'd OS the drive to a 500 GB SSD but the extra space is not available. How do I create more LVM-thin space?
Its by the way probably not "LVM-thin space" what you want. Your LVM-thin pool is the LV that is by default the "local-lvm" storage that can only be used to store VMs/LXC. Your root filesystem (where you can store files and where the PVE system is installed to) is the storage named "local" and that is normal non-thinprovisionable LV.
I'm looking for more space on the OS SSD for VMs and CTs. The above approach looks quite complex. An alternative I was thinking off was a fresh install on the new bigger SSD - but if I do this how can I restore my settings? I've no problem backing up and restoring CT and VM, it's more the mail settings and so on.
There is no import/export feature for PVE configs. You could backup your whole "/etc" folder which contains all the config files but just copying over all files to a new installation replacing existing ones would make the new install unusable. You basically need to start from scratch using the backuped "/etc" folder as a reference and edit all config files line by line.

If you want to use the unallocated new space for guests you indeed have to expand your LVM-Thin. Procedure for that is similar to the article linked above.
- edit your partition table (move superblocks to the new end of the disk)
- extend your partition
- extend your PV
- extend your VG
- extend your both LVM-Thin LVs or delete them and create a new LV and convert it to a LVM-thin pool
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Thanks all for the input:

Could this step:

"- edit your partition table (move superblocks to the new end of the disk)
- extend your partition"

Be done with gparted?
Thanks for the input and to finish the thread, I couldn't get my head round the instructions to expand the drive so decided to backup VM and CT, swap SSD, reinstall and restore. I had made minimal customisations to Proxmox so it wasn't hard to get back to where I was - Postfix, enable WOL and setting up the backup schedule.